MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > Good sure but still just another...

Good sure but still just another...

I just watched it and sure it's a good and moving movie but it's still just another one in line of the American movies making sure to tell the world how the Americans came and save the world. The end is just sooo pretentious, a real lecture in real American honour and nationalism, for gods sake it even squeezes in antirasism. All this "honour, pride and fighting for your country" is just gloryfying war which is the foulest investion ever of mankind. It's morally wrong to make entertainment of it...


War is not a concept that can be deemed moral or immoral. It is one word that has described conflicts embodying a thousand different ideals, waged by a thousand different cultures. You may say killing is wrong, but that is a fallacy itself. Murder is wrong, killing is amoral. Saying it is not right to go to war, and believing you alone can make that judgment, is just as pretentious as your counterpart saying war is justified. You both speak opinion as fact.

I would say that, at the most basic level, there is only one morality: To harm someone who poses no threat to your personal safety or to the safety of others is wrong.

The very next rule is: If another person breaks the basic law of natural morality, an honorable man must destroy the individual who has proven himself a threat to the innocent. To not step in (provided you have a reasonable chance of success) makes you an enabler.

As for this movie and American nationalism? It is about American soldiers, after all...
Michael Moore, if you ever show up at my house with a camera, I'll kill you.
-Clint Eastwood


Is it moral to kill somebody(s) by throwing them overboard out of a life raft that can only hold 50 people but is currently on the verge of sinking with 85 people in it? Alternatively, if I'm in the water and trying to get into the boat and nobody will let me on, then from my perspective all of these people are a threat to my personal safety and I would be acting morally in my effort to destroy them so that I could take the boat.

What about the person who pollutes the sea out of which you catch fish? Are they a threat to your personal safety?

Morality cannot be easily summed up in a few words. Some would argue that there is no such thing as universal objective morality and that morality is subjective.

