MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > If you thought the film was even ok, REA...

If you thought the film was even ok, READ THE BOOK!

The book's brilliant, I couldn't put it down, SO-OOO much better than the film.


Couldn't agree more, the book gives an element to the characters that the film couldn't even come close to. I loved the book but the film was mediocre

Nil Illegetti Desperadum



The book is way better..

Although the movie is good... They changed a lot.. Not just names and a few happenings.. No.. They even changed more than that.. ( not telling what, you should read the book =P )


Whole heartedly agree!!!


I read the book because of this thread, and I completely agree.


I also read the book because of this thread, and I also agree that the book is really great.

I liked the book even more than I thought I would, and trusting these posters, I knew I would like it a LOT.

Path. Follow path. Gate. Open gate, through gate, close gate. Last ferry 6.30, so run, run, run.


The film had me boiling as it destroyed the book!
if you watch the film as a item its self its ok , but read the book its fantastic , do both and you will just be standing there in disbelive how the ruined it , esp cutting out one of the main characters !

Remember when your rich your eccentric ,when your poor your just MAD !
