MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > Did any one else wanted to strangle Coll...

Did any one else wanted to strangle Collin Farrel

Did any one else feel or had the urge to strangle Collin Farrel's neck when he gave that *beep* give away speech and almost killed half of the POW contingent. Its funny to see that most of the so called "saviours of Law" behave so hypocratically. They talk about law and justice at the same time, ifthe fees is right then they dont hesitate to hide few facts and truths to "UPHOLD" the law. Man i loathe them.


Ah man, what else do you expect from a man who really should be a Donegal builder? He's one of the WORST actors ever.


You're right. Colin Farrell is possibly the least expressive actor of his generation. I can't understand why any director would approve of his thespian acumen and let a studio release a project that associates their names together, let alone begin a project with the guy, knowing the inevitable outcome of using an actor of such remarkably low capabilities. When the guy raises his eyebrows in order to look suave or whatever he feels that look conveys, I want to regurgitate (although I'm not a impressionable 16 year old girl). Do handsome looks alone warrant his employment? Someone should clue him in that underacting through facial gesturing (as was successfully achieved by Robert DeNiro in the Deer Hunter) is not equivalent with no acting at all. His name should not be included in the list of such wonderfully talented actors that have come out of Ireland, a country associated with both delightful artistic imagination and enhanced dramatic intellect.


Damn, mica, don't hold back!


I know you know what I mean, el, know what i mean? At any rate I saw the impressive list of movies you watch in your file. So you know quality from pulp. It's senseless talking to people who's lists of movies they watch are retarded. Even though Farrell has snagged some great roles he never makes anything of those golden opportunities, and his presence becomes a drag real quickly, causing the movies he joins to be dragged down by his lazy acting. Can you imagine getting a chance to trump Richard Burton's 1950's depiction of Alexander the Great? But what Farrell did to Alexander and to Miami Vice was merely to never rise above his sophomoric skills and just do his job, to bring excitement and interest to 2 very flat character roles. The films on your list would have suffered had he joined the casts. I can't believe he gets these roles.


No, but I didded wantsted to lernt how to speek and right inglisht.


are michael mann, steven spielberg and oliver stone all wrong? I think colin farrell is a great I repeat great actor who just gets bad scripts all the time.
and al pacino called him the best actor of his generation, I think that counts for something.


I did, I couldn't stang Colin Farrell in this movie.


I did but Ive wanted to strangle him alot lately.

