MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > Hart's War as an allegory to the Trial o...

Hart's War as an allegory to the Trial of Jesus

I was helping my son with an assignment to find an allegory in movies about the trial of Jesus. Hart's War came to mind. In the Biblical story, Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, and refused to defend himself so that he would be crucified and save the souls of those who believe in him.

In Hart's War, McNamara sacrificed himself willingly to save the soldiers that particiapted in the trial from the firing squad.

What do others think of Hart's War and an allegory?

(By the way, my son already turned in the assignment, so you are not doing his work for him!)


Ya I never thought of it this way but you are totally correct. Mcnamara was one way of looking at it---but I think the way the black man is being tried for something he didnt do and faces it graciously is the more christ like motif. What else can you expect from Hollywood...turning a POW camp in to a race drama where the black man perseveres despite the odds (tear)


A little over dramatic, don't you think?

A POW commander would not have done that. He was worried about someone else giving away the escape secret, but his leaving jeopardized everyone and future escapes. Someone who is so much in the public eye suddenly no longer there? Did he think the German's stupid? If he would have stayed (considering a realistic situation) escapes could have continued, if only a few men at a time. Eventually the count would catch up, but not before more than 35 would have made it out.
