MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > Historical Question...

Historical Question...

Ok, I'm slightly confused, and I know I may be just nitpicking, but I'm bored and I dont wanna go to bed yet...

Question number one: The flag flying over the Stalag. Isn't that flag a naval ensign only to be used by the Kriegsmarine? I thought the flag should just be the national flag which is just red with white circle with the swatiska inside of it..

Question number two: I thought the SS was in charge of the prison camps or is it historically true that the Wermacht does spare it's men and officers to imprison the prisoners of war...

All in all, I thought it was a wonderful movie.




I don't remember the flag, but pow camps were guarded by branches whose soldiers caught those pow, eg in "Great Escape" the pow camp for airmen is administrated by Luftwaffe.



Re the flag, I did a search...
The national flag was indeed red with a white circle.
The military flag, or Reichskriegsflagge, was the flag with black bars, as seen in the movie. The navy, army and air forces had varying flags and pennants for special units and high-ranking officers, etc, but as far as I can tell this was in general military use.

visit to see the flag used from 1935 to 1938.

the flag used from 1938 to 1945 was this variation:

I too look at flags in movies... see my entry on the Goofs page for George In The Jungle :)


Yeah, I think you're right abouth the flag. The one you described, the 'Blood Flag' is the one that should've been there.


The SS were only responsible for guarding concentration camps, POW camps were guarded by members of the Wehrmacht, either Luftwaffe or Heer usually

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