
Anybody ells thought it was funny when the German said that the Russians where: undermenshen and then Bruce says: my country doesn’t think like that?

I thought it was hilarious :P

thank God I'm an athiest


Yeah, it's funny 'cos it's true, the russians are untermenschen! :D

Oh, and it was also funny for what Bruce said and what the German replied.

thank Hitler I'm an atheist
"No more boom-boom for this baby-san"


I don’t remember what the German replied

But I was actually revering to the way black people where treated in America during and after the war.

thank God I'm an athiest


Yeah, I didn't remember correctly, the german just laughed at that part, but later in the film Bruce is asking why they killed Archer, "is he lower race?" and then the german replies that bruce himself put 2 black officers into the same barrack with rascist enlisted men, so I got what you were aiming for.

"No more boom-boom for this baby-san"


crap I would have loved to have read what was deleted... ow wel better luck next time...

There's a supermodel who shags total prats and I don't know where she lives...


