Josh Is Nuts!

OMG this dude is a freaking weirdo. Screaming at the blue haired girl for absolutely nothing. Grabs the golden apple and pisses everyone off. Throw in he is crying like a baby to Christmas. He is safe for a week but I'd bet after that he goes home pretty quick.


You must be watching the American version...


*spoilers below obviously*

I thought he was nuts, but then I find out today that apparently Megan (blue haired girl, Prison Interrogator, and US Navy) *spoiler* self-evicted. You don't self-evict unless you feel that everything is out of your control, no one wants to be your friend, and that you have absolutely nothing to go for in the house.

No doubt her professional career could suffer as a result of this, the last person you figure will self-evict would be someone who was Military and worked in a Prison. If anyone can handle the stress of the BB house, it would be expected to be someone like that.


As a Veteran, I would be really disappointed if she self-evicted.


Well it's a little more clear now as to what happened. I couldn't even begin to imagine her situation, first Josh gangs up on her for no reason (or maybe I missed something?), then Cody just says she doesn't like her, then she mis-hears something (Panda instead of Pao-Pao) and it spirals out of control so Alex is mad at her, and then Jessica, not to mention being on the block and a have-not.


I'm with you.. that dude's whack.
