MovieChat Forums > Heist (2001) Discussion > Here's what happened at the end.

Here's what happened at the end.

Hackman got the girl.

Let's examine the facts.

- The guy who got killed cued Hackman in to the fact that they'd been compromised, so there was no reason to go to the docks to meet the girl except if he thought he had to put on a good show because her life might be on the line. His friend hidden in the cargo hold with a shotgun furthers this theory.

- His wife was too smart to think he wouldn't have a backup for their meeting.

- "It was a cute plan" / "Cute is a Chinese baby" was uttered immediately before the lie about the car was made up to ditch the kid. ("Burn the car.") It's the cue they use to let each other know they're about to pull a fast one.

- Neither Hackman, nor anyone on his crew, killed anyone who didn't pull a gun first.

- There's no way Hackman would choose the bright shiny pickup truck over the old, beat up one, and she knows it. (Nobody suspects an old beat up pickup truck.)

- He wouldn't be putting the finishing touches on the gold bars, he's too meticulous for that, it would have been done months in advance. The paint bucket is for show.

When she shows up, she immediately cues him in to the fact that she's got mustache guy with her with the "two things" and "Chinese baby" line. He plays along with the "two things" thing for show, knowing full well what she meant by the 2nd thing.

He comes in, but since he's not going to shoot there's no reason to shoot him.

She chooses the obvious pickup truck - the shiny new one with the freshly painted bars & makes a clean getaway with the kid.

Later, she convinces him they were both swindled & she ditches him and rejoins Hackman.




Thats what I thought, I think the OP might be right


I don't think Hackman gets the girl. Remember the exchange at the beginning?

Coffee Cart Man: Hey buddy. You forgot your change.
Joe Moore: [Takes the change] Makes the world go round.
Bobby Blane: What's that?
Joe Moore: Gold.
Bobby Blane: Some people say love.
Joe Moore: Well, they're right, too. It is love. Love of gold.

I think this is the point. It underpins the movie. His relationship with her is always going to be secondary to his relationship with 'gold.'

We all want to think he gets the girl, too, and I guess Mamet allows you that, if you want. But I doubt, if you asked Mamet, he'd agree.


How many times do you watch a bad film to analyse if it is bad or good? Hesit is bad. The lines are terrible (and are only saved from being obviously terrible by Hackman's delivery/ability). It is supposed to be clever-clever with lots of twists and turn but actually most of the plot does not work and is just contrived and/or idiotic (why does Pinkie go back to his neice - just so he can get tortured and killed and set up the face-off with De Vito?) it is the worst kind of writing and if it is suppsoed to be deep and analysed to understand the subtlety of the language and themes then why make the plot so implausible while taking advanatage of the film medium's fast moving nature? i think he wanted to prove he could make a "Hollywood" movie - sadly he failed the basic test of a director - work with a good script


I can't believe anyone watching the entire movie would EVEr think that Joe would not get his wife in the end.

She is never going to choose Jimmy!! The reference to Chinese baby is code for a location! Once Jimmy realizes he got "shanghaied" he'll be pissed. She is going to plan her getaway once she knows Joe is out of the country.

it is so obvious. Mamet never wanted it to be ambiguous. That is why she nods to Joe at the end before she gets into the truck. And he laughs because he gets it all!!

The wife and the gold.
