MovieChat Forums > Heist (2001) Discussion > 'Pissing on cotton' ripped off?

'Pissing on cotton' ripped off?

I was reading Dana Stevens' review for AMERICAN GANGSTER today, where she writes:

Lucas is a satanic charmer who can turn a phrase like nobody's business: The atmosphere at a high-stakes pool game was "so quiet you could've heard a rat piss on a piece of cotton in China."

For some reason I thought the memorable line that appeared in the film was original, but if pressed I would have been open to the possibility that it was an expression I had never before encountered. Google searches indicate that when people use the phrase they're referring to the film, although there are some instances where people say "mouse" instead of "ant," and mouse IS closer to how Lucas worded it. So what's the deal? Did Mamet just rip-off what he read in a NYT MAGAZINE profile?


"Heist" is from 2001..."American Gangster" from 2007. You do the math!!!

"People scare better when they're dying"


"rockarola," you are not smart, to put it politely. The line originally appears in a NYT MAGAZINE profile that predates the Mamet film. You do realize the source material for AMERICAN GANGSTER comes from events that took place decades ago, right? I swear, freakin' criminal stupidity up in here. Even the "you do the math" comment, as if it's a tribute to your moron overlord.


Damn, somebody needs to chill!!! You did in no way what so ever state that the NYT Magazine article predates the Mamet film. It may have been a flippant comment from my side, but if you react like that all the time, you must get in to a lot of fights! ;-) Just wondering, who exactly do you think my "moron overlord" is, and why should I pay tribute to him?

"People scare better when they're dying"



Sorry, afromenace, but I am european, so Bush is neither my overlord, nor my problem...better luck next time! ;-)

"People scare better when they're dying"


In an episode from the Sopranos called "The Weight" that aired in 2002 a character recalls committing a murder and said it was "as silent as a mouse pissing on cotton."


How do you "rip-off" a saying? You're pretty fxcking stupid.



Clichés tend not to be original.
