I Love Berries

To go with any groundbreaking movie there has to be that one quotable line, one that is used in households throughout the world, in many different tongues and this is it, "I love Berries".
At the dramatic point when you feel that you have discovered who the beast is, another unforseeable explaination pops up creating a dramatic and comedic cross-genre in just this one unforgettable line in this one unforgettable movie.
Forget "The Godfather I + II", forget "Casablanca" and forget "Citizen Kane", this the piece that defines an art form ,- film.


I believe the line that defines this film is, "Now that's good badger milk." It shows Marvin's naivete with regards to what has just happened to him, as well as the journey on which he is about to embark. For a time, he believes that his heightened senses, increased agility, etc. are a result of a personal decision he made, in the form of the badger milk purchase. But soon, he learns that he has been thrown against his will into a world far beyond his control.

Sayonara. Not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language.


I would have to agree with you. The badger milk line was one of the movie's premier lines.


me too i agree with bob and jadetea.



One of the more memorable lines in the movie for me was "Listen, if you don't wanna hang out with me anymore 'cuz I'm black, just let me know." That truly shows the oppression this poor man felt.


now zug, you are only saying that because that poor man was in fact..BLACK! you reverse racist!!


I agree the badger milk line is worthy as the films best line.But the funniest scene is when rob starts eying the goat at the farm.You have to be plain nuts to look at a goat like its pammy anderson and then go ahead and spank it! Yall have to agree that only Rob can pull off a stunt like that and actually look believable.


the best quote is when rianna reveals that she is the beast and marvin says, "So thats why you have six nipples!"
