MovieChat Forums > Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA (2000) Discussion > The English-Speaking Actors... :) ...

The English-Speaking Actors... :) ...

...were some of the worst I've ever seen! Did they actually think that they were doing a good job or something? I've seen B-movies with better acting. This will not do for such an amazing film. If they got a few competent english-speaking actors (from ANYWHERE, all you need is a middle-aged white man and a blonde-haired young white man), even hire real Swiss actors! It was truly ridiculous for an otherwise perfect film to have such uncomfortably bad actors on it. Anyone else agree?

"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"


The opening 15 min has some of the worst acting I've seen in a very good film. I think the availability of English speaking actors in SK was the reason why.


both actors, the swede and the swiss character, are from germany. german audiences are able to tell that the swiss guy speaks with a normal german accent rather than a swiss accent, but i doubt that korean audiences can tell german and swiss accents apart. most people complaining in this thread simply haven't paid attention that these characters were not supposed to be native english speakers.
