Script - can anyone help?

I recently bought this movie on DVD, not least because I liked Oldboy...

I haven't watched much more than the first 20 minutes of the movie yet, because I'm English-speaking and partially-deaf, and always watch movies - English-language or otherwise - with subtitles. I saw on the DVD box that the film had English subtitles, but it hadn't occurred to me that only the Korean dialogue would be captioned, and not the English!

I've tried Googling for JSA transcripts, but only turned up this...

and unfortunately only the Korean parts have been transcribed, and, again, not the English!

Does anyone know if an English transcript can be got for this movie, free or otherwise? It would be much appreciated!

P.S. Alternatively, it occurs to me that maybe it doesn't matter that much whether a lot of the English is understood - does anyone know whether this would detract from understanding the film as a whole?


I don't know where you can find the subtitles for the english-speaking parts. I thought the english was kind of necessary towards understanding the film as a whole; on the other hand, the plot points they reveal are things u can glean from reading a spoilerish review. The movie is still mostly in Korean. If you like, I can tell you the gist of it.


Cheers for the response!

I actually watched the film soon after I posted - I think probably the most important bit I didn't quite get was when Sophie meets the Swiss officer, and he said something about prisoners of the Korean War. I assumed they didn't want Sophie to get to the bottom of what happened, so they contrived a reason to send her home - something to do with her father?


Her father was a north-korean general who fell into imprisonment by the south. He was one of the few war prisoners that choose to go into exile (war prisoners were able to decide if they wanted to got to the north or the south).


The english lines explain a WHOLE lot of some of the big events in the movie, and why they happen.

<There is no I in team, but there is a Me, if you rearrange it a little>
