
i'm trying to figure out what exactly is happening in the rabbit scene.. where the south koreans keep saying "rabbit! rabbit!" and then they meet up with the north koreans, trade cigarettes and then we see Jung holding a dead rabbit. unless it takes 20 guys with machine guns to hunt rabbits that scene just went completely over my head.


hmmm you have a point, but they might shoot the rabbit with some non-automatic rifle, and the machine guns are just for protection since they're in the borderline region. they're obviously hunting for rabbits, a group activity/exercise which is why there are so many of them. the shot rabbit escaped to the northside which is why Jung was holding it. i personal thought the scene was really beautiful, one of the best scenes in the film.




very well stated, bmkchu. chick was the challenge and they were waiting for the password....in war, if you hear a noise but can't see what made that noise, you offer the challenge (code) then wait for the password...no password...let 'em rip.

the misunderstanding goes to show how badly foreign films are translated into english - specifically by hollywood.

another favorite part of mine was the puppy...kae gogi, anyone? mmmmmm! lol.

-true wisdom lies within the realization that you don't know a gah-damn thing-



allstar beyond, this shows how misinterpretations are 'dangerous', for lack of a better word. there's so much that could've been extracted from your succinct account of that scene; unintended perspectives; etc. btw, i'm not criticizing you in the least. i'm being sincere.

when arguing with a ventriloquist, do you stare into the puppet's eyes?


Rabbit can be very dangerous. Remember what happened in Monty Python's "Holy Grail".


But you know that South Korean soldiers have the holy hand grenades as their standard armament, right? ^_^


The two scenes are only loosely connected. even disregarding bad translation you can see that one doesn't directly follows the other. First one SKs are in the woods in loose formation in next one NKs and SKs are facing each other in line on some clearing.
