Bullet inconsistency?

I have a hard time matching how many bullets were fired by each weapon, how many shots that were fired by each South-Korean before their weapons were switched, and Maj. Sophie E. Jean's count of 10+1.

I've been trying to figure it out, but it still doesn't add up. Or does it?



I felt something was incorrect with the bullet count too, but I just rechecked everything and now I am even more impressed at the attention to detail that was put into this movie, because everything checks out perfectly. Here's the gist of the bullet theory and it's significance in the investigation:

Major Sophie Jean's evidence consisted of Sgt. Lee's Beretta (which had 5 bullets left in the magazine) and the 11 bullets extracted from the North Korean bodies. Thats 16 bullets in total. (The only bullets being considered were the ones fired from the South Koreans, namely, the 9mm Parabellum)

Now, as you know, a Beretta can only hold 15 bullets in its magazine UNLESS one manually puts an extra bullet into the chamber. And as Major Jean found out, Sgt. Lee has no habit of doing so and now the crap has hit the fan for Sgt. Lee because now the investigators are wondering where that 1 extra bullet came from. It obviously means that somebody else (that being Private Nam) was at the scene.

Major Jean soon includes Private Nam into the investigation, who claims that he remained at his post and fired 1 shot over the bridge before his gun jammed. They find out that this is not true because of the spot of the N. Korean Captain's blood that was found in Nam's pistol. Thus, he was actually there at the scene of the incident as well, accounting for that unexplained extra bullet.

As far as the "actual" exhange of the bullets, it goes something like this:

-While distracted, the NKorean captain attempts (Bullet Count)
to pull out his weapon
-Pvt Nam fires 1 bullet through the captains chest, (1)
severely incapacitating him.
-Pvt Jeong (the youngest NKorean) attempts to shoot back.
-Pvt Nam turns around and fires a bullet clean through Pvt (1)
Jeongs head.
-Sgt Lee snaps too and shoots Pvt Jeong's dead body a (1)*
moment later
-Lee then turns and faces Sgt. Oh and pulls the trigger but
nothing happens. The gun has jammed <-- (Very important!!
More on it later)
-Pvt Jeong, who was shot about a second or two ago,
reflexively pulls the trigger, hitting Sgt Lee in the shin.
Lee falls and hits his head.
(The only ACTUAL scene. Again, more on that later)
-Pvt Nam completely loses it and fires 6 bullets into Pvt (6)
Jeong's corpse.
-After a moment of silence and tension, Sgt. Oh takes the (1)
gun from Sgt. Lee's hand and fires a killshot to finish off
the gasping NKorean captain.
-Before the two SKoreans leave, Sgt Oh has Sgt Lee shoot (1)
him in the arm to prevent any suspicion being casted upon

11 bullets fired and the 5 left in Lee's chamber = 16 bullets

This is, as we learn, where the twist is. Although this scene was supposed to be what ACTUALLY happened, you have to remember that it was still told from Sgt. Lee's perspective, who is far from being psychologically sound after everything he saw/did. Either his memory became disoriented when he hit his head or his mind utilized what Freud would define as a psychological defense mechanism in order to protect himself from the truth, but Lee's memory completely SWITCHED himself and Pvt Nam!!! This delusional state begins and ends between the percent signs that I have notated. Within that time period, everything that Sgt Lee does is actually Nam's doing and vice-versa.

So between the percent signs, the only incident that ACTUALLY occured in Lee's disillusioned memory is the part where Jeong reflexively fires the bullet into Lee's shin, accounting for the limping and crutches, etc etc.

The biggest and most obvious clue that the 2 SKorean soldiers were switched is that Lee's gun jams in the incident, when clearly the evidence shows that it was Nam's gun that jammed. Thus, the one "mystery bullet" (notated with an asterik) is the only one Pvt. Nam ever managed to fire, and the one that is the whole question of the investigation.

Thus, after the ever so nonchalant Major Jean so bluntly and casually tells Sgt. Lee that, according to Sgt. Oh's testimony, that it was actually Lee that killed the captain and Pvt Jeong, it is no wonder that he was driven to commit suicide. Realizing that the cold blooded murder of your best friend and brother-in-arms was done by your own hand is not a light cross to carry.

I hope this explained a lot to the viewers who were confused about everything. This movie is absolutely brilliant.


Thank you very much. i guess i was tired when i first saw the movie cause i thought he only "lied" about one thing. i should have known better, having seen Old Boy, I should have expected the genesis of Ooh dae soo's character.


Major Sophie Jean's evidence consisted of Sgt. Lee's Beretta (which had 5 bullets left in the magazine) and the 10 bullets extracted from the North Korean bodies. Thats 16 bullets in total.



Does no one else realise that the bullet count has no actual bearing over what the film was actually about? I'm just curious how, if they screwed up the count and came up with an inconsistency (I see no point in checking whether or not they did), this inconsistency would ruin such a wonderful portrayal of friendship and the absurdity of the barriers that humans build for themselves. The film is not about solving a crime, that is merely a framing device for a more important message.

Most Recent film I've seen:
RahXephon(2001) by Yutaka Izubuchi 9/10


Effigy I agree with you completely and I think what you said is an unstated and obvious given in this thread. True, I realize we are being somewhat pedantic in regard to these details and we also realize that even if they did mess up the bullet count, it would in no way affect the overall message that Park ChanWook is trying to deliver.
However, this part of the investigation that we're discussing simply adds another dimension of intricacy and complexity that makes one appreciate the movie even more. The attention to detail is immaculate.
Which basically goes to show that this movie is solid on every possible level; thematically, artistically, technically, etc.... Even the musical score is beautiful.

Oh and thanks imdb7190 for correcting my typo.


Fair enough bmkchu. I see you've given alot of thought to the whole thing. I've just read too many threads that involve people saying certain films are rubbish based on narrative details that actually have no bearing on the film's core theme. Sorry if I sounded grumpy or whatever. As long as you have the best interests of JSA in mind I don't mind at all .

Most Recent film I've seen:
RahXephon(2001) by Yutaka Izubuchi 9/10


I've been thinking about this for a while now and I just can't seem to figure it out. How is Sgt Lee able to walk over and fire 6 rounds into Pvt Jeongs dead corpse? 2 seconds earlier he got shot in the shin and falls to the floor.


Lee only fired the killing shot. Nam did the rest of the shooting.


