Why leave via Miami?

I know this was only "based" on a true story so who knows which parts were real and which weren't but Frank knew they were on to him at the Miami airport and had it staked out.........why not just travel to another airport? Just because he is familiar with it wouldn't be a legitimate reason to take that huge of a risk. He should have just gone to some other airport where there weren't 30-40 agents/officers on the lookout for him.

Deutschland hat die Weltmeisterschaft zum vierten Mal gewonnen! 🇩🇪🇺🇸



@Hanz-Willhelm "How do you know he hasn't rented a car and driven to airports in New York, Atlanta?"
"Because I'm not in New York. I'm not in Atlanta."
Hanratty was betting that Frank wanted to humiliate him - and he was right.


Same reason he calls Carl during Christmas. Whether Frank knew it or not, he was motivated by the whole cat and mouse game with Carl. He didn't just want to get away; he wanted to get away and beat Carl. Carl, with his experience, knew what Frank was thinking; he knew Frank would leave via Miami just to one-up Carl. Carl hints at this detail at the end when he says, "Look behind you ... no one's chasing you."

Indeed, remember how Frank pays someone to dress like him and wait outside the airport? He told the person to pick up “Handratty,” and he even gave the guy a sign with the name. Frank’s motivation was to humiliate Carl.


I think this was a highly fictional side of the story to have Tom vs Leo.

Obviously in real life no one would care or be that stupid to waste their time and even try to tease the FBI when your doing highly illegal shit that is going to have you put away for the rest of your life.
