Jumping out of the plane...

Am I the only one who didn't really understand how he ran all the way from the runway through the airport and all the way home??


he jogged too


I've done it so I completely understand.


Well security wasn't like it is today and he had a bit of a knack for convincing people to do his bidding.

There's a moral to this story Del Boy but for the life of me I can't find it!


Airport security then was not the same as it was today. It would have been easy to get into the terminal building. Also, from his time pretending to be a pilot he likely would know the shortcuts and where to go to get on an employee shuttle to get to a hotel, etc.


Not to forget he must be naturally very fit!!
{even though he has been curled up in a prison cell for quite a while!} ?


Run Forrest, run!


Pre 9/11 security and terrorism. There was a time when it was easy and quick to get on and off a plane, I’ve heard
