This character wasn't just selfish, it was more than that, if he didn't get that red file back he would have ended up in jail, he was in business with those financially dangerous people who were relatives of his wife, it was Gavin's own fault, he should have found out what his father in law was all about before going into business with him and then ran for his life and divorced his wife.

The situation with Doyle made things worse for Gavin. There was a brilliant small scene that showed them both in the court building at the same time. Had Gavin bothered to ask Doyle where he was headed there would be no problems, but you know what? Gavin's father in law couldn't keep stealing money and getting away with it. It actually would have been better if Gavin never got that red file back and all those money hungry idiots would have been exposed and gone to jail. Gavin would eventually get out of jail, divorce his wife and start afresh, that would actually be a better ending.
