MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > So easily preventable(early spoiler)....

So easily preventable(early spoiler)....

Wow, all Ben Affleck's character had to do was say 'Hey, I'm late for court and could end up without a job if I don't get there now. I can drop you at the courthouse and you can get a tow or you can wait and when I'm done, we can finish up.'. Done. They could have done all the insurance stuff while driving into town, and Samuel L Jackson would have made his court appt as well. If I had been in a similar situation, I most likely would have done just that. I definitely wouldn't have said 'Better luck next time.'.

Of course it would have been a 7 minute movie, but it would have gotten across the idea of 'Don't be a dick.', which is a motto way too many people don't 'get' now days.


True. Well this movie portrays a short meeting with two stressed people which don't know how to communicate. And as someone else said on here is that it actually is pretty realistic in that sence. People behave this stupid under stress.

Their first meeting was afflecks characters fault, and in their next meeting it was jackson's characters since he could explain better what his problem was instead of just asking to "get his 20 minutes back". Had he told him the whole situation he could've gotten help..

well since you're naked you might as well f___ a friend of mine. Paul come in here!


Well yea that was kinda the point!


Exactly, either that or Sam's character wises up earlier and he decides to hand in the files.

Ashmi any question


Or he could have checked his blind spot in the first place...

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia royal...
