Good Friday in NYC

IMDb's trivia section says that in NYC, the schools are closed on Good Friday. Is that true? Is the school scene a factual error?

"I am God's lonely man."


I don't know about NYC but where I live schools are indeed closed on Good Friday but they don't have the reason as "Easter holiday" or "Good Friday" because that would be "politically incorrect" and give more ammo for fanatics to scream about "religion in school" **rolls eyes** They use it as a day for "parent-teacher conferences" So, if NY schools are closed then I'm sure the reason they use probably isn't because of Good Friday altho anybody with any common sense knows that's the reason.

Your mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work unless it's open!


I was surprised that it was "business as usual" on Good Friday in this movie. In Canada, Good Friday is a statutory holiday. In the U.S., does each state determine its own public holidays? Is it typical in most of the U.S. that Good Friday is not recognized as a public holiday?


Federally observed holiday's are determined on a federal level. Most employers recognize holiday's based on what is considered a federally recognized holiday. My husband works for the Army Corps of Engineers which is a federal agency and they do NOT observe Good Friday as a holiday. Court houses are also open on Good Friday, as well as banks. I've only ever seen school's closed on Good Friday. I've always considered it a holiday. Pearl Jade, you have to remember that in the US, everything has to be "politically correct" so as not to offend the athiests or non-religious. They could care less if they offend Christians.

If you interrupt me again, I'll strangle you.


I think you will find most businesses and especially schools are closed on Good Friday. Courts too.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


I live in the Bible belt and I've never seen a courthouse closed on Good Friday, only schools. I use to work at a county courthouse and they never closed early for Easter holiday.

If you interrupt me again, I'll strangle you.



I'm a high school junior in New York City and that school scene was actually shot at my school- PS 122, which is currently the top middle school in New York City.!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d-73.91695!3d40.780549!2m2!1f117.48!2f77.77!4f75!2m7!1e1!2m2!1slp2cTQeFL1YfhEQHoVMShg!2e0!5m2!1slp2cTQeFL1YfhEQHoVMShg!2e0&fid=5

Anyhow, when this movie came out, I was in kindergarten and we did indeed have off on Good Friday, as I have had throughout the years. Until recently, the calendar would be rather lenient, by giving us a few extra days in between. For example, we would have off until the 3rd or 4th of January, but ever since 7th grade (or 2010 I would say), the DOE began to consume those days and now we go back the 2nd.

But we always have off the Wednesday before to at least the Tuesday after Easter, at a minimum.
