MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > One thing that always bugged me about th...

One thing that always bugged me about this movie...

Why would Ben Affleck's character be cheating with that ugly blonde woman with the bad teeth when he had Amanda Peet at home? What a waste!

Do you know where you are? You're in the corn-rows baby, you're gonna die!



The Amanda Peet character was probably boring in bed and kind of cold.

Toni Collette was wild in the sack and was more open-hearted toward Affleck.



Toni Collette is hot. Amanda Peet's also hot, but SHE'S EVIL! Just listen to her. You don't want a woman like that as your wife.

How do you like them apples?



^^This. Amanda didn't really care for him like Toni did, all the through the film, she is worried about what will happen to him, look at the contrast between that and how Amanda is.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


not unusual for an upwardly-mobile to get his ideal woman in place and then discover marriage isn't very fulfilling and if he hadn't been so shallow in the first place he might have made a better choice



when he had Amanda Peet at home
Like the old saying goes, 'find a really attractive woman, and there will always be somebody bored of *beep* her' or words to that effect.



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


That was the first thought on my mind when I started watching this movie, Axl_Roses_Wig (but wouldn't describe Toni Collette as unkindly as you did). Before the Amanda Peet character was introduced, I was like, "When are we gonna see her?" lol

I personally thought Peet looked better in other things, most notably "Saving Silverman", but I've known married men who were married to attractive women contemplate or actually have affairs with women arguably less attractive.

I've seen it time and time again. I personally liked Peet's character's straight-talking on lawyers and guys and so forth. That's something I appreciate (as well as her matter-of-factly stating she knew of Affleck's affair, lol).



I've known married men who were married to attractive women contemplate or actually have affairs with women arguably less attractive.

Prince Charles for example.


Why would Ben Affleck's character be cheating with that ugly blonde woman with the bad teeth when he had Amanda Peet at home? What a waste!

Little boys, please grow up, and when you do you will learn firsthand that your choice of life partner will not be based entirely on your fantasy of the physically perfect human or what your friends consider to be ideal. As immature young men you want to be seen with whom your friends consider to be the "hot" babe only to impress them and vice versa. I pity the real life girls whom you objectify, and I pity you even more. I doubt you see Brad Pitt staring back at you in the mirror and, unless you've got money and/or power, you're not going to wind up with the trophy wife.

True love is blind, and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Genius Levels: Gifted; High Genius; Highest Genius; Universal Genius; Michael Jackson


I'd take Toni Collette over Amanda Peet any day. In fact i'd take her over just about anyone, she is gorgeous.


Live and learn; looks aren't everything..

Toni had substance.




Maybe she isnĀ“t as shallow as you are.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
