VERY Underrated!

The threads on this movie all seem to be about being disappointed, walking out midway through, changing the channel, etc. Does anyone agree with my opinion that this is a truly great film that never seems to get its due?

Its a morality tale. It is about two men who want to be good, and through their sudden violent encounter they are able to look at themselves and learn from their failings and hopefully change. Could everything that happened in this film really happen in one day? No. But the main characters are intelligent and able to express their feelings in articulate manners, which is uncommon in most hollywood productions today. The commercials misrepresented the film, making it out to be a "high octane thriller, edge of your seat suspense" cliched action thriller.

I was strongly affected by this movie, and by the performances (Sam Jackson is always reliable and this is one of Affleck's best). It is a movie of small victories: a man letting go of his anger, a man opening his eyes to the corruption that surrounds him. Its one of the most underrated movies of the last decade, right up there with 2007's Zodiac, 2008's Doubt, and 2009's The Messenger, all underrated and seemingly forgotten masterpieces.


I agree. I remember being enthralled and fascinated by this film. Not completely realistic on timing of escalation, but not enough to bother me. Two men so focused on the day to day they don't see the big picture. When the day to day is disrupted, it throws both their lives into chaos and they lash out at each other.

It's a remarkable story to me, I loved the performances from both Mr. Affleck and Mr. Jackson. I don't think it deserves the vile being spouted here. Of course, a lot of people online spew vile because they can.

Give the film a chance, it's interesting.


I am shocked at all the hating on these boards this film is a great one.



