A very good film.

I've read a lot of the threads about this, some very intelligent deconstructions, and some fairly otiose criticisms.

This is a very good contemporary dysotopian urban drama, in a similar vein to 'Falling Down', 'Bonfire of the Vanities' (book not film) and 'The Long Good Friday'. Maybe even a bit of 'After Hours'.

Roger Michell's a talented director, the cast is brilliant, the plot's great and the narrative has real momentum.

And it shows that, when he chooses to, Affleck can cut it.

'Nature's hasty and lord knows so am I'

'Heifer whines could be human cries'


I agree with this consideration.

While opinions on movies varies, it's also important
to place equal consideration on the good and bad sides
of the movies since a majority believe the suckiness of
this movie.

I like this movie for the issues on morality (This
movie was even presented during my Morality class).
Affleck and Jackson's characters faced the timeless
conflicts of selfishness, hatred and revenge.

While there are comments on the dullness of the
movie, it was probably just so only because the setting
and characterizations were all dark and gloomy.

"Hear the other side"


I noticed a pretty negative review, and a stack of hatefilled posts, so I just wanted to contribute a little to the love.
I think this is a great film. Visually I think it DOES have a lot of artistic merit, and it's a great modern piece of theatre.

Extremely watchable, and interesting!

Bravo to Affleck too.
He's a swell guy, cut him some freaking slack.





yeah he was good. william hurt would have been even better in the role, tho.

Season's Greetings

