Very underrated

this movie deserves way better than a 6.5. Anyone else agree?


I have seen it multiple times and have loved it each time. Extremely underrated and it's a damn shame. I never met anyone who didn't like it.


It is underrated. Deserves more respect.


I concur. Great performances as well as an intriguing story.

"Welcome to the party pal."



as an intriguing story
I think that is exactly the problem, the trailer makes it look like it's going to be a high adrenalin, cars crashing, Jackson playing the pissed off black guy type movie, and many people will have seen it just for that, then when they discover they need to think a bit they get really upset and mark it low.



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


I gave it a solid 7. It's not super-awesome, but it's pretty dang good.

It's rather like Falling Down with two people. I love Falling Down.


Very good movie. I have a friend at work who likes to nitpick, and who hates Ben Affleck, and I got him to watch it. Even he liked the movie. I think it is a good story which is always moving. There aren't many dead moments at all.


I thought it was an excellent film..great story along with the great acting..i give it a 9..i think it shoulda been nominated for an oscar


I have a friend who didn't like Ben Affleck, but I got them to watch it with me and they loved the movie. I do too, I think the film is very underrated. Great performances all around.


I gave it a solid 7. It's not super-awesome, but it's pretty dang good.

It's rather like Falling Down with two people. I love Falling Down.

As "Falling Down" is one of my favorites, I see the comparison, mugojoe. I gave "Changing Lanes" a solid "8" (in comparison, I gave "Falling Down" a "10" - very rare with me).

I'd seen a new movie on LMN called "Last Exit" (rated that a "7"). On that board, they stated that it was similar (some even went so far to call it a ripoff) to "Changing Lanes".

There was similarities, but "Last Exit" had females in the lead (yeah that was cool, lol) and it was actually quite a tightly-knit thriller mixed with drama.

While I'd call "Changing Lanes" a bit thrilling, but mainly a drama.


I think it's very underrated as well. It had lots of suspense and teachese you many moral lessons I believe. The script was well written, and should've been nominated for an Oscar or something. The acting was phenomonal as well. Sam Jackson was great as usual, and Ben Affleck surprised me.

Last Movies Seen
U.S. Marshals - 9/10
Changing Lanes - 10/10
July 18; when will it come?


I agree

Very underrated film. Excellent performances by Jackson & Affleck

"You see I'm a guy of simple taste. I enjoy dynamite... gun powder... and gasoline!" - The Joker


I completely agree. I saw it once but only some of it and finally watched the whole thing yesterday and I loved it. Then I check out IMDb and i'm like huh?? this makes no sense. I think either it's a lot of Ben Affleck haters or maybe alot of people just didn't get this movie or expected a car chase movie.


I certainly do agree. I think it's a shame (and not out of the ordinary stupid way "Hollywood" does things) that it was marketed as a shoot 'em up vengeance drama, using the only one or two clips of Sam Jackson being ominous and Affleck looking scared. This movie is a thoughtful examination of individual ethics and the behavior of people when they're under stress...the damage we can do to others without thinking, or putting ourselves in their shoes. Excellent work by Jackson, much better than average work by Affleck.



This movie is very, very good, I was absolutely SHOCKED when I came here and saw a 6.5 rating, WTF? This deserves at least a high 7 in my opinion, great acting

BonVie is my hero



So underrated it's a crime


Super underrated. An 8/10 for me. Several fantastic monologues in the script.


Yes, definitely underrated. I love this movie!

I've already seen the worst movie ever made, so it can only be uphill from there.
