
I'm no law expert, so please don't bash me for this question. Why would Affleck's character have to go to prison if he couldn't be able to hand out that file? I mean, things happen to get lost sometimes.




actually, you're right. Also, he coerced the old man simon to sign the power of atty when the old man wasn't in his right mind. That made it undue influence and if the court found out, he could go to jail for unduly influencing a client. In addition, the file proves that the signature is genuine. The senior partners were going to forge the client's signature onto the created file and file it in the court under affleck's character's name. That is fraudulent as well and the courts frown upon. A lawyer takes an oath at the time he is sworn in to protect his client to his best ability and to avoid fraudulent actions. These is a serious oath and violation of that could land him in jail.
