MovieChat Forums > Frailty (2002) Discussion > What REALLY Happened ****spoilers****

What REALLY Happened ****spoilers****

The dad was a nutjob (probably had a psychotic break when he saw the "angel" under the car). He's killing people because the voices are telling him to. The younger son, being younger and more gullible (after all kids believe the fairytales their parents tell the about a god, angels, santa claus, and the easter rabbit), claims he sees the demons. The older son, not so gullible, of course sees nothing. Having been dragged into dad's insanity and seeing the horrors off him murdering people (and maybe inheriting mental illness from dad), both sons lose touch with reality. One believes he can see demons and that's why he kills, the other being an abused child also breaks with reality and kills, too.

I liked the movie though.
(\ v /)


Then how do you explain the FBI agents reaction to Adam touching him and him asking Adam but... How did you know? Referring to the agent realizing Adam knew he killed his mother. Also the other agent and others forgetting What Adam looked like saying his face was a blurred spot and also the fuzzed out face on the security tapes?


What I like about this film is how it's open to interpretation.


Not really. It's clear that Adam and his father were not crazy and had powers. The FBI guy became basically immobile and helpless just from Adam touching him.



Nice guess but wrong.


I agree with this assessment. I'm not thinking any religious involvement re the names (I thought that since dad worked in a car shop, he was either inhaling something that messed with his head or got bonked at some point. Or heck, could just be good old delusional seizures.) He let his religious mania feed into that, and he passed it on to the kids.
The names I would he pulled from the phonebook, since we see him looking through one at one point.

Question tho - the first sheriff goes missing, no one investigates? There would at least be some hubbub about the small town regarding the sheriff just disappearing like that.

And two - people who tend the garden at the cemetary aren't going to notice extra gravesites? It did not appear abandoned.
