MovieChat Forums > Life as a House (2001) Discussion > Hayden should have got an Oscar nominati...

Hayden should have got an Oscar nomination.

Hayden got a Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild nomination in 2001 for Life as a House. He should have got an Oscar nomination instead of Ethan Hawke. Ethan Hawke was nominated for Training Day, but he was not nominated anywhere else.


I agree with you completely


I totally agree:)


As much as I love Ethan Hawke (in his more indie roles rather than Training Day though) I have to agree - Hayden was ab fab in this film - especially in the scene where he punches the wall - plus I love the line about getting of in an armoire.

If you're not achieving what you want, is it because you're too lazy or too scared?


basically kevin shouldve been nominated 4 best actor and hayden best supportin role DEY DID INCREDIBLE


I think that Hayden Christensen is not just a face.He is a very great actor!! He plays really good and real! i like this movie a lot, and The character of Sam seems hars to play! I agree with you..He deserved this nomination. The problem is that this movie haven't got famous...


I do agree with you. Hayden Christensen was amazing. But I loved Kevin Kline in this movie too, so he should have won an Oscar as well as Hayden.


an oscar nomination for this?! he wasn't that good. his whole "transformation" was so ridiculously unbelievable.


Hayden did give an oscar worthy performance. i agree.


uh, no.




150% agreed. absolutely.

It's not reeeallly ignorance if you really are the best. Right?



Does someone really deserve an oscar simply for playing the role of whiney emo...the world hates me my life sucks teenager. I mean i'm 19 now and I know a lot of ppl that could easily play that just by being themselves, doesnt really take much effort

not to mention didn't he get blasted completely for his acting in star wars...which was basically the same "i'm either talking in one voice or screaming like a baby tone of voice" that life as a house had


I agree with the poster above. Pretty much ANY teenager can play his part...ANY. His roles in this film and Star Wars was the same whiny guy. His range really isn't that good.

I didn't do it, no1 saw me do it, u can't prove anything


No, NOT just any teen can handle the emotional intensity of his character. In fact, Hayden also "thought outside the box" with his character--the punching of the wall after he finds out his dad is dying was not in the script; that was improv, and he broke/sprained his hand doing it!

His Star Wars performance is nothing to brag about (although, that role seems to have earned him most of his popularity), but he was excellent in this movie and overlooked at the Oscars. He probably wouldn't have won (I think Chris Cooper won that year, and he's amazing), but the Academy should have at least nominated him.

And what about a nomination for Kevin Klein? His role certainly wasn't easy!

Whenever I climb, I am followed by a dog called Ego.


ooooooo he punched the wall. Big deal. The fact that he sprained it meant much of the emotion from that scene there on was from the pain, not the acting.

I didn't do it, no1 saw me do it, u can't prove anything
