MovieChat Forums > Life as a House (2001) Discussion > this sounds very jerky but is my one cri...

this sounds very jerky but is my one criticism of this great movie

please don't misunderstand me for i LOVE this movie; however, that being said my gripe isn't completely with this movie because amovies/TV in general are guilty of this as well...

i am so sick of movies that make people with multiple piercings and 'funny' colored hair seem like "weirdo's" or something broken or antisocial drug users who are just waiting for the day they can blow up their school..

Sam could have become a descent person and still had his piercings, still wear black, hell, he could still have his blue streak. His great transformation was his inside, more specifically his heart, which has little to do with how he looks..

I could excuse him taking the piercings out (if the character's sole motivation for getting them was just to insulate himself from his classmates and piss his parents off), but even thats still kinda irritating..

i have 6 piercings and couldn't be further from the stereotypes that seem to surround pierced/weird/not typical people.. my favorite show is Ally McBeal, i was a cheerleader in h.s., and i love my family and don't have a problem showing it.

Listening to Marilyn Manson didn't make Sam hate his parents, do drugs, or get a piercing, he just did.


lol, lovely rant.

"motivation for getting them was just to separate himself from his classmates and piss his parents off"
pretty much that.


thanks, still a great movie though


I think that you should watch this music video called "Secrets in Mirrors" by Spitalfield. It really matches this theme you're talking about in a way.

"Cool Beans?"
"Cool Beans"


i never heard of these guys before but i found them & the video you suggested... I also read a short bio on Wikiepedia, very interesting tale...

it's a very good song, i always hate it when someone says "hey listen to these guys" and its ends up sucking royally, lol, not the case here though, and a good video too

ty :)


I suggest this video to many people. Mostly people who start to follow "the tread" like in the video. I just really like the message in of the video.

"Cool Beans?"
"Cool Beans"



oh yeah i totally agree about Sam (but that doesn't clear other characters in other movies though)... yeah when i sorta mentioned off the cuff that i had my nipples pierced to some acquaintances in my school's GSA, they were really really surprised, lol..





Not a "jerky" criticism at all--I completely agree.
I didn't like how his transition to a "good boy" (for lack of better words), meant that he had to physically change to look like a "normal" (again, for lack of better words) person.
It only reinforces the sterotype that piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, etc. are either to be cool, someone you're not, or imply that you're a druggie.
I, for example, am a 21 year old with five tattoos and I used to have a few piercings and gauged ears, and yet I've never tried drugs, and I'm actually, at the moment, a nanny of twins.

If you've never tried drugs, don't. And if you have, pray.


well said. it'd be nice if they knew we weren't the only two, eh?


That kind of irritated me too. I think they wanted to show his transformation and how his personality was changing, so they removed the piercings and the eye makeup and showed that he was giving up drugs. But what irritated me more was how they had him give up his "queer ways" and enter into a nice, normal heterosexual relationship. It's like they were implying that being a gay was a dysfunction that he gave up on his way to becoming a happy well-adjusted person.


night-crawler, did he actually have "queer ways"?
I know there was the whole prostitution thing, but I am 99.9% sure he was just doing that for the money. In "real life", he didn't have any homosexual tendencies.
That was why the prostitution scene was so depressing, that he would go so far as to do sexual things with a man (which wasn't what he was into) just for some drugs.

But I'm positive he was actually 100% straight.

The greatest trick the devil ever played, was convincing the world he did not exist.


yeah but it woulda been cool if he was bi, well because i'm bi and I can dream... but, he wasn't... damn. You don't see very many bi male characters, so it would have been cool for that reason.

Detective... Thrill Me!


That actually seemed like an allegorical thing more than anything else, and because of the fact that many people these days are too dense and intolerant to think of anyone who dresses or looks like Hayden's character as being anything BUT misanthropic, anti-social deviants.

Times change, and so do people and accepted norms. Just two hundred years ago, it was also considered too sexual and raunchy for a woman to show her ankles. Now, you go to New York or some places and every other woman dresses skimpy. That's not them implying their nature all the time (although, let's face it, it's safe to say that about 75% of the time, it really is), so much as just how they dress.

Some people look way too into things, and there will always be people who are hung up on aesthetics and judge people by that standard. My dad is kind of one of those people; I got my ears pierced and then got my labret pierced a short time later, and this was viewed as unacceptable. He went so far as to say that males should not get our ears pierced.

Needless to say, he was shocked when I got full sleeves tattooed on both arms. He was even more shocked when I got a perfectly respectable job in spite of those. I did end up having to take the piercings out, though, and can't see getting re-pierced anyway.

However, as I said, in the movie his physical change was allegorical the way I saw it, used as a visible measurement of how Hayden's character had changed. I think it's a reflection of how much he had matured as well; he eventually matured enough to disdain his former look, or see it as not suiting who he had become, maybe.


tattoos? piercings? and gauges? how did you even get a job :/
them haterz cant tell me nothin


You may not like to hear it, but people who dress in black and have multiple piercings/tattoos really do have major issues that show they are dysfunctional, broken people. That's just the way it is, sorry if you don't like the truth.


not necessarily. some people wear black because its just the color they like. some have tattoos/piercings because its their form of expression. One can't say that ALL of the people that wear black clothes/have modifications are disturbed, just like one can't say that all of the people who lack those things are perfectly healthy in mind and body. Some people do have major issues that need to be dealt with, and some of those people wear black, while some don't, some have multiple tattoos/piercings, some don't.

I couldn't hear my own footsteps. It was the walk of a dead man.


mmcsweeney, that is a ridiculous assumption.
That would be like me saying that all of the girls who ever shop at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch are completely idiotic bimbos.
For some, it's safe to assume, but definitely not for everyone.

And a little help comes in a little glass vial and a gun pressed against her anatomy.


There are some people that have piercings and tattoos as part of their culture.

People that wear ties and pin-striped suits - now they're the ones to be wary of!! :)


I agree. it was more his attitude and depression/drug problems that NEEDED the change in this movie, not his look if he truly liked that style. and i agree with the music thing. people judge things that are different before they understand it completely.

looks can be decieving my friends :)



It wasn't saying that his appearance was what made him look that way, his behavior made him have that appearance.

Some people do have piercings and manic hair just because they like it, but others do it to be 'rebellious' and anger their parents. That's not a stereotype, it's factual. There are loads of kids like that and he was one of them. So the film wasn't saying "all kids with piercings are freaks and screw ups". It was saying he didn't know who he was and was just trying to rebel against his parents divorce. That -was- what changed him, their divorce. They specifically mention he started to change once his parents split up, in fact. Once he hit puberty he got into drugs and started rebelling.

He was what some people would call a 'poser' I guess, someone who dresses that way to get attention or to divert attention just because they have inner problems. It's a cry for help, ultimately, even though they don't realize it.

And his father -knew- that about him. That's why he made him remove those piercings, because he knew it was a sign of rebellion and holding Sam back.

I'll also admit that Sam looked awful with the piercings and the make-up. Some guys look right with it... he's not one of them.


He still has the blue streak in his hair in the scene where they go talk to the girl who was in the accident. But I don't like what he's wearing in that scene, I don't think they needed to change him quite as much.


To some degree it is a bad stereotype. There's a kid in my psychology class whose covered in tatoos. He's level-headed, intelligent, and pretty normal in every sense of the word. And I knew a guy in high school who listened to marilyn Manson and was a Goth. He was not some emotional depressed wreck with anger problems. He was very social, friendly, and funny. So it is ignorant to assume that everyone who has piercings and tatoos and wears black must have psychological problems.
Even so, and I might be going out on a limb here so don't crucify me, stereotypes often become stereotypes because they're true to some extent. Someone I know has about 18 piercings, at one point purple hair, and wore mostly black and that person was very much like Sam. Very angry and hostile and heavily involved in drug use. this person had friends very much like themself and they were drug addicts as well.
However that aside,It is very prejudiced to think that people who dress in black, and have piercings are maladjusted.
And even though I can appreciate Sam's appearance in the beginning of the film as allegorical or symbolic of his feelings, I still find that choice of appearance as incredibly narrow minded,and discriminating. But what annoyed me most about portraying him as a troubled, Goth/punk kid was that it's been done so many freaking times before. It's just cliched and unoriginal.


Well I believe that the problem was not that he pierced himself etc. but the reason for it.
I agree with you that many people are being judged apon their looks.
TV and movies contribute quite a bit for that happening.
The thing is, I don't really believe he liked all that stuff, but did these things just to provoke and to try to get some reaction out of his parents.
You could see at the beginning of the movie that he just did whatever he wanted and even when his mother catched him snuffing aerosol in his room and passing out, she didn't do much against it.

So I believe he was just pushing boundaries as far as he could to get some reaction from his parents and that for a long time.
So long, that he ended up "losing" himself to drugs and kept the style.

At the beginning you can see his and his mother's surprise when his father clearly was against the idea of him going to Lake Tahoe, because probably no one challenged him and forbid him things for a long time.
It was clearly more surprise than anger...latter came of afterwards.

But my point is...I don't believe the reason for all that was easteticaly but to revolt.
Just like punks in the 70s, 80s who created that look, or at least, popularized it.
