Release Date 9/11

Has anyone ever noticed this movie was released on September 11, 2001? I think that's why it never caught on and it ended up losing money at the box office. It's really too bad because so many people have never heard of this movie, and it is one of my favorites. I know many people think it is over dramatic, but there are some very really points brought up in this movie. I relate to it in several ways.


Many people did think it was over-dramatic, but coming from a broken family with some problems, I could really relate. Sam's grandfather abusing his grandmother hit close to home for me as my grandmother was abused by her husband. Also being a kid from divorced parents made me really sympathize with Sam's anger and emotional problems. I can understand why people dislike it, but I think the film has a lot of heart and teaches you an important lesson about life and the way you live it.

It really is too bad that it hit cinemas around 9/11. Despite's it's shortcomings, overall it's a very sweet, inspiring, and ultimately beautiful film.


While it was released close to Sept. 11th, I think you got your dates backwards. The film opened in wide release on November 9, 2001, which would actually be 11/9. And it didn't perform too poorly, given it was released by one of the smaller studios on only 1288 screens.
