About Alyssa (spoiler)

I don't really get, why she kisses George. I was like "WTF?!??"

And what was that with the 300 dollars in two hours and the 6 inches? what's the connection there?

Dear Agony, I want you in the Hunger Games.


She's an odd girl. It was a disturbing scene, lmao. However, remember when she says "it wasn't what I was expecting?" And then George asks her what she thought it'd be like?" and she answers,"More like when I kiss Sam." I think at that point she had developed a little crush on him and was trying to make sense of what she was feeling. She's probably thinking "am I boy crazy or do I actually like this boy?" And if you watch the commentary Jena malone talks about the fact that Alyssa has no father figure so she has no idea how to approach her sexuality. She has to figure things out on her own and that can be confusing.
About the 300 dollars/two hours and six inches thing. That's how much Sam is supposed to get for letting a guy down on him. The guy who wants them to stop construction (their neighbor) is who Sam whores himself to. So Sam uses that against the guy to freak him out(six inches is an innuendo). Sam is underage so if the police or CPS ever found out it'd probably be considered statutory rape/molestation.


Thanks for clearing up the explanation of the 300 dollars. I thought about that too, but I just needed a confirmation xD

Anyway, I don't really agree with the "she doesn't have a father and therefore has no idea how to approach her sexuality" thing.
She has friends doesn't she? Don't they talk about that? I mean, I NEVER talked about sex with my parents (just the sex education thing, but nothing more) but the topic would come up around my friends... so Jena's explanation doesn't cut it for me.

Dear Agony, I want you in the Hunger Games.


The 6 inches thing may be innuendo, but the literal reference is to the fact that Kevin's character didn't get a revised permit to add height to the roof of the house: 6 inches.


To Nachos 94. I agree with you. She could have asked friends. It was a stupid twist in plot. I think that scene was an attempt to make the film edgier (sex sells) even if it was irrelevent to the story. It was a cheap plot device and the film would've been better without it. But as disturbing as that twist in the plot was, it didn't beat the 'Josh screwing Alyssa's mom' scene. I fast-forward that scene every time. Just effing disgusting.



She was hilarious. I don't know, as a character people either love her or hate her. I watch the film on youtube sometimes cuz i'm too lazy to pop in the DVD and 95 % of the comments there about her are like "She's such a whore!!!"

I liked her, though. Sam had to release that sexual frustration at some point and her being a c_ocktease kinda accomplished that, haha.


The kiss was to benefit the older viewers, I suspect everyone would enjoy one last secret passionate kiss with a young attractive person before dying. Someone that was the same age as the first person such a kiss was shared with so as to briefly recapture the feeling of young love.

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.


It is never actually said outright, but it is obvious she works as a prostitute. It is an interesting, however brief and episodic, look at teen girl sexuality. I have no idea why these themes don't properly connect with the rest of the film, but I suspect someone decided the titillation aspect was all that was needed.

Similarly, turning Sam's descent into prostitution into a set up for a really cheesy punchline, and the bad pun referred to above, near the end of the movie, was just appalling. And the kissing scene not much less repulsive either.
