Ok why a 7.4?

Really? I've watched the whole movie and besides the stereotypes which is clear because of 2001, and since it was staged in California I think.

This movie is tender, it has really nice characters and they develop all in a nice way. You think is not natural, I have seen the most beautifull stuff happening in life in a pretty much weirdo way than what we have here. It's plausible as *beep* for me.

Can you guys help me understand some movie flaws? Cause I couldn't see any, even the child who likes to hug and show his love to everyone is a nice character cause he shows to everyone how easy is to be honest and give love to others.

So can someone point whats wrong for a 7.4? I think it deserves at least way around 8. Not everyone came from a broken home, but whe never know when its going to break.


The movie is a little too 'sweet' for some people. More cynical people may find it to be cheesy. As for the unrealistic aspects of the movie, Sam's change is too fast. Someone that far into drugs and with psychological problems as severe as his doesn't miraculously change in a span of two months. I knew someone like him and it takes a lot longer. And some people, myself included, found some of the subplots unnecessary (like Alyssa's mom screwing Josh). Gave the movie a slight soap opera quality.

That said, I agree with you. I think a 7.4 is low. The movie has heart and the acting on the part of Kevin, Hayden, and Kristen Scott Thomas is flawless. They're very believable and resemble people you may know in your real life. It's a very touching story and I definitely think the good things outweigh the film's flaws.



I found Kevin Kline just amazing in this movie. Oh but yeah! I totally let it slip that the change happened fast and with no problems for Sam, I have myself a brother with drug problems and I can tell, it is slow and difficult.

I feel ashamed. I think I was moved by the way Kevin does his character like actually breaking a cicle of auto-depreciation and feel sorry and start to act in behalf of his family. Even being selfish, he someway brought them together. Buuuh for me!

Thank you for your attention, it helped my understanding it better.


When I finished watching this movie for the first time, I was like "why have I never heard of this Kevin Kline guy? He's a fantastic actor!"

One of my family members was a drug addict, I mean everything you could imagine, painkillers, cocaine and just severely depressed and had anger problems like Sam. It took about a year for this person to be completely clean. I mean realistically even if Sam had good intentions he wouldn't have been able to get clean without relapsing a few times.

But despite some of its flaws I still think it was an amazing movie. It remains my favorite movie of all time.


7.4 is already pretty high. Anything above 5.5 is worth watching.


If you're looking for a way to kill time, yes, I would say that holds true. But most of the time if I see a movie with a 5 or 6 rating I avoid it unless the trailer looks absolutely epic. This movie was touchy-feely and I always feel like that automatically is a strike against many films. I don't think that sentimental should always be inferior to intelligent and incredibly imaginative/edgy films like Shutter Island, Inception etc. I don't think that should ever be definite judgement on a film's quality. Is Life As A House flawless? No. But it's definitely not the piece of *beep* film critics make it out to be. It deserves an 8 IMO because it has heart, an uplifting message, and great acting.


Rating this movie had me more confused than most movies. It is a film that succeeds despite itself. By the end it feels like a telemovie or an 80s feel-good rental. It really does have the syrupy sensibilities of a bygone era. Extremely intrusive, over the top, often ridiculous soundtrack, cheesy shots of clouds, sunsets and waves, drops into slow motion, plot insertions involving communities coming to the rescue, and then there are the 80s style subplots involving teen angst, sex with cougars and so on.

It's like someone decided to throw the big book of cliches at this project to make it work.

But here's the rub, none of it was needed. The script is literate, intelligent and sensitive. The performances of the principals are bang on the money. The cinematography and sets are first class.

What this film needed was less, not more, in order that the simple themes and raw performances, tightly held together by a good script, could be on show. Regardless, it's a film worth watching. Given a new edit edit and soundtrack and making sure to remove the sillier subplots would probably result in a minor masterpiece. Not going to happen of course, but it is interesting to wonder what this film might have been.
