The whole shower scene?

i havent seen the movie, but on youtube there was this scene were he was in the shower with whats her name, cant think of it now, and they star making out, then if im really sure...he came in the shower...he came so easily if im right. i got confused for a moment then figured out he came in the shower only by kissing. i know it didnt really happen, but whats up with that.



yeah, i figured that much. and ive seen that his father was crazy and such...i have to get thet movie.


hes a premature ejaculator.


He had never been with a girl before and she says that everyone thinks he's gay so she wanted to jump in the shower with him to see if he was and ontop of that he had a crush on her so when she kisses him he blows his load.
Dont everyone act like you were a mack daddy pimp the first time out.


Yes she thought he was gay and thought showering with him would help him out! As far as his little "O" that is very common with teenage boys who do not have a lot of sexual experience, they get so worked up over kissing and touching they can't hold it sometimes. It works itself out with age and experience.

brialashee, you must see this movie ASAP he is so beautiful in it words can not express!

"I like how it feels not to feel"


That scene is really funny.

Mackin to prove you're not gay and all of a sudden you're shootin all over the poor girl's feet.


He may not be gay, but the movie sure sounds like it is.
Not for me, I'll let all the females chat about this one.


Wow it sounds gay just because of one scene? That's about the stupidest thing I ever heard.



since when has 2 people of opposite genders in a sexual scene together been gay?

has the world gone mad?


Hahaha ^_^ But yeah she thinks he's gay, and obviously she sees that he isn't once he blows his load


its so funny how you can read through a thread on IMDB and just by looking at the persons opinions and their username you can instantly tell what gender they are, roughly how old they are, what part of the world they are from and pretty much what kind of person they are. And on imdb mostly you come up with Female, 16-20, Suburban Middle America, strict upbringing, virgin, boring, fat.



Homosexuality is also involved in how Sam makes his money, in the black Lexus for example.


I just flipped past this a few times on a TV showing. I guess the dude was "servicing" another guy in a car and nearly got busted by a cop, running away with his jeans and drawers down around his knees and the whole sad bit. At first I thought they were just worried about having drugs or booze on them then I happened to catch the cutie with him in the shower scene. Now I learn that he's supposed to be possibly gay.

Bustin' one during a kiss with a girl does NOT override any public indecency with another guy in that car. Just saying... It was Hayden C. and all. This was certainly not all-ages Family / Holiday season movie viewing.


The other characters in the film believe Sam's gay. That doesn't necessarily mean the guy actually is gay. I mean, he's a little effeminate. I'm not gonna deny that. But just because a guy defies gender stereotypes and doesn't act super macho does not mean he's gay. And when he was running out of the car he was bawling his eyes out. I don't know. If he was gay he would not have been so freaked out that he had fooled around with another guy.

He was clearly turned on by Alyssa in the shower. Asked Josh about her constantly. And I'm pretty sure he had a boner when Alyssa was rubbing his back down with sunscreen.

Sam was not gay. He was desperate for drugs and prostitution pays well. End of story.


The other characters in the film believe Sam's gay. That doesn't necessarily mean the guy actually is gay. I mean, he's a little effeminate. I'm not gonna deny that. But just because a guy defies gender stereotypes and doesn't act super macho does not mean he's gay.

And when he was running out of the car he was bawling his eyes out. I don't know. If he was gay he would not have been so freaked out that he had fooled around with another guy.

I get that theory, but, only if he was comfortable in being gay. Clearly NOT the case so wipe that evidence. Put another way, a straight male would never be dropping his drawers in the back seat of a car with another male(PERIOD)
He was desperate for drugs and prostitution pays well.

This is like the old "only gay in prison theory" which smells a bit like "only thieving for rent money" not because I'm a thief. I can not dispute that thinking only say I don't buy into it and leave it there.
He was clearly turned on by Alyssa in the shower.

I got that it was mainly a hard wired response or he was in there to rub one out before she ever walked in on him. It's questionable evidence at best.
Sam was not gay.

No. He's a made up movie character portrayed as being certainly not-fully-straight which I casually (if non-PC) think of as the same as gay. There's a ton of wiggle room for same-sex behavior between females nowadays but when a dude is "servicing" another dude in a car for any reason, he's not a straight arrow. Yeah...
End of story.


All I know is I usually hate sex in movies, especially if it's horror. However, in rare cases like "City Of Angels" I can actually stand it. The thought the whole shower scene with Hayden and Jenna was actually "Romantic" and not "Discusting". Perhaps that's thanks to Hayden and Jenna themselves for making it such a good scene. Guess the movie could have been better without it, but all the same it was a good scene.


"Oh, gross! You're scrubbing down the shower." And it was pretty funny when her mom slept with Josh oddly enough.


I thouhgt it was a cute scene, too (the shower scene, and also the scene when Mom and Josh almost get caught and how they try to get out of it).

I think some of you have overlooked the fact that Hayden already had a hard-on (he refers to it by saying "I mean - HELLO!") before they kiss - so he was already worked up.

"Not exactly what I had in mind...but.. OK!"


plus i think his hand was moving just a little ... maybe not but i thought i saw his arm moving...



Nah, you can definitely see some hand action there!


if a girl as fine as jena malone came in my shower teasing my pole like that, i'd probably bust a nut quick too, but not as quick as that sucka!


That scene was sooo cute. I LOVE Hayden and Jena!

This is the way the world ends. Not with a whimper, but with a bang.


I finally saw this scene on YouTube, and it is quite good, not the greatest, but quite good.

Here are some more shower/tub scenes that I saw, that I thought were quite good.

The two lovers (Bridget Fonda and James Mather) in Las Vegas, in a hotel room, in the tub, while the neon lights of Las Vegas bathe their nude bodies in different colors.

"Cruel Intentions II"
Sebastian (Robin Dunne) is in the shower, when two "kissing cousins" Gretchen (Annie Sorell) and Sarah (Alicia Loren) enter the shower and start making out in front of him. At this, he really starts squeezing the shampoo bottle he's holding in his hand. I wonder what that is suppose to represent.

"Lair of the White Worm"
Lady Sylvia Marsh (Amanda Donohoe) is given Kevin (Chris Pitt) a sponge bath in the tub, when she has him stand up in the tub, so she can "wash him properly." As the soapy sponge in her hand gets lower and lower on the front of his body, he gets more and more . . .

"Private Lessons"
Nicole (Sylvia Kristal) and Phillip (Eric Brown) in the tub together.

"Sign of the Cross"
The Empress (Claudette Colbert) soaking naked in a tub of asses' milk and calling to her handmaiden (Vivian Toben): "Dacia, you're a butterfly with a sting of a wasp. Take off your clothes. Get in here and tell me all about it."
Yeah. Bathing in asses'milk makes me want to say such things, too.


Healthy teenaged boys often have a "hair-pin trigger!" Especially when they are fully "cocked" (sorry) and she had his hammer pulled back for quite some time before squeezing the trigger! A discharge was immenant.


In my opinion, the shower scene is the one scene in the movie that shouldn't be there. I cannot watch this movie with my family b/c of that scene. Totally unnecessary.



In my opinion, the shower scene is the one scene in the movie that shouldn't be there. I cannot watch this movie with my family b/c of that scene. Totally unnecessary

The movie's rated R. On the MPAA it clearly says rated R for language, drug use, and SEXUALITY. That means there's going to be some sexual situations in the film. Depending on your family it may or may not be awkward. But you were warned. I wouldn't watch this movie with anyone under 13, but that doesn't mean you can't watch it with your parents. Not that I think gratuitious sex is okay or anything, but in this case it was for comedic relief. Without it the film would have been way too melodramatic.


So you can only watch this movie alone, feeling kind of pervy?


No. You can watch it with people as long as they're not uptight prudes. And this film doesn't make alot of people feel pervy. There's more to the movie than sex. One poster was just making a big deal about how innapropriate the shower scene is. Which I completely disagreed with. You can watch it with other people as long as all of you are mature adults.


I dunno, I had such moments growing up with a girl I really liked, she knew it, I stayed in her cabin for a summer, she came into the shower with me, on the same pretense as in the movie. If you've never had an experience like that i can see how it might appear unrealistic.
