Ok, kevin kline talks bad about his dad and how it would have been better if someone killed him but then when his hayden ask if kline wished he'd killed his dad kline says that he loved him too much. Wtf?


Probably a love/hate relationship....

RIP Ian....


he hated his dad, but at the same time it was his father and he loved him.


you'd only understand if you had a messed up father yourself. i watched my dad beat the crap out of my mom night after night and stink the house up with his alcohol, almost kill my older brother(who's not his kid), he abused me, and he was rarely in my life after the divorce...but for some weird reason i still love him enough to still want him alive :/

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the future thinking about the past.


It's the only father you'll ever have. Regardless of how *beep* he is you will probably always love him.
