nuff said


I would not expect a person who watches as much mind-numbing TV as you to understand or appreciate this wonderful piece of work. Everyone is intitlted to their own opinion!

"I like how it feels not to feel"


whoa whoa whoa. chillax. You're right this is a truly amazing movie but like you said yourself, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Overrated my ass though. This movie was just awesome.


I agree with the poster above because it still got me hanging right now since yesterday.


I watched it a while ago and enjoyed it for the most part, but some scenes came across as a little cheesy and forced to me. I don't know if I'd call it overrated though. I don't remember it being all that successful, and it got really mixed reviews.


I agree that it's overrated. Reminded me of a Lifetime film with expletives.
