a bit dated

I used to think it was one the more realistic war films, but saw it again last night on blu-ray and well... the US casualties would have been much higher if they fought the same way they did in this movie. Constantly running under direct fire, stopping in the middle of a firefight to check on your comrades, failing to hit enemies from 20 meters. Ridley took some creative license there.


a bit dated??? It's based on the real events that took place in 1993, over 20 years ago in Somalia. Of course it's dated by now!


Constantly running under direct fire, stopping in the middle of a firefight to check on your comrades

It's a byproduct of the shooters being hopped up on Khat & probably not formally trained. Kinda like street "gangstas" in Compton, Oakland or Baltimore-they don't know how to aim so they spray bullets in the general direction of their foes-which explains why bystanders are usually getting hit. I recall a shooting in SF's mission district: the guy opened fire on a fellow in a coffee shop-he wounded 5 bystanders & ran out of ammunition. While he tried to reload the guy he was shooting at stabbed him to death & escaped unhurt.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


I think he meant the way the Americans were fighting, not the Somalis.


Yes; the point is the Somalis were terrible at aimed shooting & did that 'West African gangsa gunfighting' style of shooting, so the American Rangers (and the Deltas) basically stayed in the open to return fire until the militias were able to mass more shooters. I think the Deltas said to stay away from the walls.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


Yes; the point is the Somalis were terrible at aimed shooting & did that 'West African gangsa gunfighting' style of shooting, so the American Rangers (and the Deltas) basically stayed in the open to return fire until the militias were able to mass more shooters.

As has been mentioned by both the soldiers on the ground that day, Aidid's militia weren't even in the slightest trained in tactical shooting. Anyone who was willing to join Aidid was given free Khat (a stimulant that makes you feels invincible like coke) and food for their families.

They were simply as it's known is "spraying and praying", they're weren't even using the Iron Sights on the AK Variants and were firing on Full Auto making them any round after the first 3 off target because of the muzzle climb. As perfectly shown in the movie the Somalis were sticking their AKs over walls and out of doorways at the oncoming Convoys "praying" they'd hit the target.

Compare that to the Rangers who are carrying the M16A2 which doesn't have Full Auto but only safe-semi-3 round burst and when low on ammo were only shooting at targets they could hit! Also firing back back when the Somali's were reloading. There was no Technicals nor Recoilless Rifles used by the Somalis in The Battle of Mogadishu that afternoon and and into the next day! Technicals before Operation Gothic Serpent were parked in garages because helos had a free Rules of Engagement to shoot and destroy Technicals on site!

I think the Deltas said to stay away from the walls.

I can see one reason not to hug the walls as an RPG-7 hitting the wall next to you could cause you to be buried under rubble however without using the cover or concealment of hugging the wall it could leave you out in the open...

Actually, the Battle of Mogadishu was a considerable learning moment for the military. After this, significant resources went into modern urban warfare training, in other words, how to fight within cities.

Never again would anyone go out on any missions without full body armor and all other accouterments.

How General Garrison and his Colonels let his soldiers go out into a hostile, heavily armed part of Mogadishu in the mid afternoon (when they are high on Khat and could coordinate a quick response) in thin skinned High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) and no armored cupola to protect the .50 cal gunner is unbelievable especially two years after the urban battles in Kuwait City in the 1991 Gulf War! I know it was supposed to be a quick 30 minutes snatch and extract but I don't know if all the contingencies were taken into account

So it took the deaths of 19 soldiers and 80 odds wounded to produced the "up- armored" M1114 Humvee in 1996 with the Armor Survivability Kit (ASK). This design is superior to the M998 with a larger, more powerful turbocharged engine, air conditioning, and a strengthened suspension system. More importantly, it boasts a fully armored passenger area protected by hardened steel and bullet-resistant glass.

Conventional "Un-armored" Humvees, some even without doors were successful in the initial years of Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan before IEDs came into play however once the 2003 Iraq War started they were really left vulnerable to IEDs; in the first four months of 2006, 67 U.S. troops died in Humvees. Mainly in Urban Battles and well shown in Generation Kill Thus the Army and US Marine Corps started going with more survivable MRAPs.

Even with the different ASKs for the HMMWVs and TUSKs (Tank Urban Survival Kit) on M1 Abrams MBTs are still both vulnerable to top down attacks from RPGs fired from rooftops in urban areas. Especially the RPG-29 which is an anti-tank/anti-bunker round has a tandem-charge HEAT warhead and has taken out several Abrams in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Actually, the Battle of Mogadishu was a considerable learning moment for the military. After this, significant resources went into modern urban warfare training, in other words, how to fight within cities.

Never again would anyone go out on any missions without full body armor and all other accouterments.

In fact, one of the training complexes is named after Shughart and Gordon.


You are a sh*t compared to the men depicted in this story. Sorry their battle seems "dated" to you.



You actually wrote "to the max" and you call this movie dated?



It is horribly dated even at the time of release.

A bit dated for a film that was shot 7 years after the actual battle and uses pilots and Rangers that actually fought and flew during that deadly, bloody Operation Gothic Serpent, Somalia.

it is ugly shot and yes, not realistic at all in how the action plays out.

Nah the 160th SOAR Pilots and Rangers who actually did the fast rope and landing scenes for the movie instead of the actors said it sent chills through their spines by the way that Ridley had made it seem like they were right back in Mogadishu.

How how would you know how the action played out that day in 1993? If you weren't there then so STFU until you hear the troops Audio Commentary to the movie!

The movie also seems to take pleasure when people die in it unlike most other war movies

What the f.ck are you talking about??! There's no Gun Ho moments in was a fierce firefight, there was no time nor did ANY solider show ANY pleasure when he killed a Somali!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


I happen to agree with you. I also found Tora Tora Tora to be a bit dated as well. What with all those prop driven aircraft, and 5 shot Springfields. And don't even get me started on the lack of laser guided torpedoes.


Ah, the wit and wisdom of armchair warriors and analysts like the OP is always breath-taking in its naivety! 🐭
