MovieChat Forums > Black Hawk Down (2002) Discussion > This movie has NO CHARACTERS

This movie has NO CHARACTERS

All it is is one big giant action sequence, not a damn reason at all to care about anyone. What's really sad is that the massive casualties resulting from the incident and the genocide that occurs in Africa is very tragic.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Grimes was a character. Everyone else was based on a real person. Sorry you can't wrap your head around that.

If a day does not require an AK,
it is good
Ice Cube
Warrior Poet


His name was fabricated and he was a composite of a few people who were there (like most of the characters in the film), but he was mostly based on John Stebbins.

See you in hell, candy boys!


OK describe the Grimes character for me? What about him makes him interesting? What about him is supposed to illicit an emotional response when his life is in danger? I mean we know that he is used to working behind a desk and he was selected for the mission at the last minute. It really isn't that hard to wrap your head around it. In fact it's really quite simple.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


blah blah blah. Character development smelaracter development.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


Ha, interesting that you say that. See, all of them are basing on real persons including Grimes, real name: John Stebbins. It just happens that Stebbins was later sentenced to 30 years in jail for repeatedly raping his 6-year-old daughter! The Pentagon pressured the movie's screenwriter to change Stebbins' name and, because they were providing military equipment and training to the actors, he had little choice but to agree.


So like the 400 people that have said the same thing here in the must have just gotten done with film school too. Who give a fvck?

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


Right who needs character development when you can just have mindless explosions and non stop f-bombs. Michael bay would be proud.


Try reading the book this was based on. both the movie and book are very detailed about the actual battle. This isn't We Were Soldiers where they're in boot camp. They've already been deployed and are heading into battle. Kind of hard to get major character development for 20+ characters in a 2 hour movie. Get over it.


So then why should the audience be absorbed in the story? It is nothing more than mindless explosions. By the way we were soldiers also had little to no character development. Other than Mel Gibson we knew pretty much nothing about the platoon.

Both were really bad movies

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Both movies were great. You're in the poor judgement minority.


Tell me what was so great about them? People showed up they started shooting,end of story. If you want a Great War movie try watching apocalypse now or platoon, they aren't mindless action films pretty much on the same level of transformers. My guess is you like these two movies because you aren't smart enough to understand anything deeper.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Comparing the films to transformers proves that you aren't smart enough to draw a decent comparison. It also invalidates any opinion you have on the matter because it was such a piss poor attempt to trash 2 films.


The film is as emotionally deep as Transformers, both films relied on action sequences and explosions to entertain and both movies are equally unintelligent. This movie had no central message or theme and therefore it leaves absolutely no emotional impact. It was a very poorly directed movie if they were really just going to turn it into one big long action movie then they should have just gone all out and gotten either Stallone or Swartzenegger to star in it. There is absolutely nothing to get about this film, it's nothing more than people shooting at each other. I can't believe the great Ridley Scott made this, definitely his worst movie.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Because it's a true story you stupid knob.


Knowing more about the battle wouldn't have helped, I'm asking to know more about the characters and both movies pretty much ignored the characters in favor of explosions. Everyone in the movie was basically an extra, the action was the main star. If the movie is meant to be a documentary about military tactics and the battle then they should have made it a documentary but instead they are both supposed to be war dramas and it's a pretty stupid idea to make a war drama when you don't even attempt to flesh out any of the characters. Both films failed miserably.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Didn't people complain that Black Hawk Down was too close to a documentary when it was first released? I distinctly remember hearing that.

The book didn't flesh out many of the characters either because it is for most purposes- a documentation of the events. The movie is based on the book so not a big surprise it comes across as a documentary.

If you want a movie on par with a Michael bay film just go watch lone survivor. They changed all the good parts from the book into action movie clichés.

Also, I have seen Platoon. Black hawk dawn falls in between Platoon and Lone Survivor. It's not as good as platoon but not nearly as mindless as Lone Survivor.


Well then maybe that's how they should have made a documentary, because as a war drama it failed miserably, there was no deeper meaning or message to it, it was just about action sequences and violence. It was pretty much the last 20 minutes of Commando spread over 2 hours. Never seen Lone Survivor but this movie was about as deep as Transformers or better yet Rambo III. There was absolutely no point to this movie other than to show shooting and explosions and it's really sad that that's the way they chose to honor the lives of these brave soldiers.

Make no mistake there is absolutely nothing deep or thought provoking about Black Hawk Down, it is simply your standard action flick although it pretended to be intelligent and meaningful which is why I have a problem with it.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


The movie is great because:
- it is realistic (based on real events)
- it is thrilling
- it delivers the story of courage
The drama is in what people do, how they behave, look at the Randy Shugarth and Garry Gordon scene - the drama is in the fact that the guys fought overwhelming forces to save
downed pilot. This is what you expect from military drama.

it is a perfect "Real" movie about war. War is about bullets flying around, about sudden death.
If you want deeper characters - you can go watch Beagelow movies, but they are not war movies per se. Call them "war-related thriller or whatever".

The absence of deep characters is the strongest part of the movie - because this is about
100 people fighting and not about 1 guy running around killing 100s of somalies and then crying in the end.

it is very strange for me that your are expecting the same thing from a movie based on real events that you are expecting from a fictional movie.

You can't compare Full Metal Jacket to Black hawk Down - they Are two completely different movies - it is like comparing Ford Mustang and Military Hammer.


So you admit the movie is about "bullets flying around", glad we understand, Black Hawk Down is about as deep as Rambo III or Commando, doesn't deserve above a 5 on IMDB. Black Hawk Down isn't about the men who gave their lives, it's about explosions and bullets.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Your posts get tiresome very quickly. It's pretty much the following: blah blah Michael bays transformers. Whining. There's explosions in a war movie! More whining. No characters. Blah blah. Worst movie ever. My opinion is the only one that matters. Even more whining. End of post.

You clearly just hate the movie, and- no matter the counter posts- you post the exact same thing.


Sounds like I've proven my point.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Geez you're still running your cum receptacle about "character development" in BHD. It's a SURVIVAL film not a DRAMA about 120+ SOFs men that had to SURVIVE a day/night and hold a perimeter around the crash site with THOUSANDS of angry, hostile Somalis surrounding them and how they got out. That is it.

This stupid point that you keep bringing up:

but if you are going to show nothing but explosions and gunfire then it's really hard for the audience to develop any kind of emotional attachment to anyone who is tragically losing their lives.

The reason it shows nothing but gunfire and RPG explosions is because that is exactly what happened in the actual battle which like I've told was the biggest URBAN battle of US Forces since the Vietnam War. There were over 200 RPGs fired into the air alone that day. Ridley Scott was showing (maybe minus the Technicals and Recoilless Rifle) what they were up against and how they fought for the man next to them and how they got out leaving no man behind. Arguably creating more causalities. It's NOT a DRAMA! Saving Private Ryan is a War Drama and fiction so the script can go where it likes.

The sooner you can grasp that the movie was 35 minutes of getting to know the Rangers and Delta and then 2 hours of gunfire and explosions because that's how it went down the better. There are two documentaries on the 3 Disc Edition from Frontline and the History Channel that will give interviews from the soldiers/pilots there that day/night and their insight. Go watch them for your "character development" of 120+ men which is simply not possible to do in a 2 and half hour long movie showing nearly all the 19 KIAs.

So what if for example an unexploded RPG impales a driver that hasn't had back "character development"? Do we need that so we can't cry about him because he had a wife and young family back home and played golf every weekend?! There is more "character development" in the deleted scenes if that might help you but I doubt it.

Remember again it's a SURVIVAL fighting for the man next to you film about Operation Gothic Serpent which was all constant gunfire and explosions so Ridley Scott did a film about the battle not what they got up to in boot camp or their home lives or what they did prior to their deployment! Watch Jarhead for character development and no actual gunfire and explosions, you'll love it. 

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Dude once again you need to chill out with the language, just because I don't like the movie doesn't mean you have to flip out. Oh I get the movie just fine, the objective is don't die and it's a film about bullets and explosions. Look if that's the way the movie was made then that's fine, I get it, some people like to watch explosions but let's be honest about the film and call it what it is...AN ACTION MOVIE! It's not a drama, it's not a war film, it's a generic action film. What gets on my nerves is that some people think BHD is a deep film, it's not, it's incredibly shallow, there is no deeper meaning or message to it. Personally I wish it had a message to it and was actually about the people who experienced the incident, it's not a particularly demanding request that a movie like this be about people and not explosions. This reminds me a lot of this episode of Home Improvement where Jill's Dad writes a war novel and Tim and Jill think it sucks because it's just about military tactics not characters or people and Jill's Dad retorts by saying "this is a novel about war, you can't waste your time talking about a bunch of people".

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I'll swear as much as I like, get over it. So Mr Wannabe Film Critic how would you have made this film so that it has "character development" more than the 35 minutes already shown into a max 2 and half hour film?

Keeping in mind you have to tell the story of over 120 soldiers and even more pilots from the 160th during Operation Gothic Serpent, it was the biggest URBAN battle of US Forces since Vietnam (so the the repeated gunfire and RPGs have to be shown because it happened) and honouring/showing the 19 KIA/80+ WIA and showing both Black Hawks shot down, holding a perimeter all night and then surviving while leaving no man behind? I'm listening...

Also just because a film has a lot of explosions and gunfire doesn't mean it's an ACTION movie. Django Unchained has plenty of it and it's considered a Western/Drama!

What gets on my nerves is that some people think BHD is a deep film, it's not, it's incredibly shallow, there is no deeper meaning or message to it.

You don't know what it's like to serve in the military so you wouldn't understand the brotherhood where you get so close with some guys you would take a bullet or fall on a grenade to protect them.

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


OK fine go ahead and swear, it just makes you look like an immature brat. I'm not asking for a bunch of mindless subplots, it simply would have been nice if they actually attempted to tell a story and explain what these men were going through emotionally, psychologically and maybe tell us a little bit about who they were, what they left behind back home, etc. The battle didn't need to last an entire 2 hours, the first hour 15 minutes or so could have been spent establishing the characters and building up the battle and the battle could have taken up the last hour. It's kind of like how James Cameron didn't have the Titanic sink 30 minutes in, that would have been horrible, there would have been no reason to care about any of the people who died, the way he paced his movie was perfect. I don't know of a single war movie that spends 80% of it on an action sequence (well maybe We Were Soldiers but that wasn't exactly a cinematic masterpiece).

BHD is an action movie because the explosions are the main focus, Apocalypse Now has explosions also but the focus is the internal struggle of Captain Willard and how his mindset is slowly drifting into that of Kurtz, get it?

Oh OK so because I wasn't there I'm not allowed to dislike the movie? Seriously dude stop embarrassing yourself, not only was that an incredibly ignorant statement but unpatriotic as well. Tell me this, what have you done that's so great? Serve in Iraq? Afghanistan?

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


@OP The_Ultimate_Hippo,
I am speaking for myself: you are welcome to think that this is a bad movie, that this movies has no character, and very welcome to dislike the movie. I for one am not interested in convincing you otherwise. Please go a head, keep disliking this movie.

What I don't understand is why are you here for so long and keep posting. You don't like the movie, you think it is a really bad movie, then why do you spend so much time on it?


OK fine go ahead and swear, it just makes you look like an immature brat. me how old are that gets you offended by online swear words, get your big boy pants on today!

BHD is an action movie because the explosions are the main focus, Apocalypse Now has explosions also but the focus is the internal struggle of Captain Willard and how his mindset is slowly drifting into that of Kurtz, get it?

Apocalypse Now is a FICTION movie script that happens to be set during the Vietnam War. It was: During the Vietnam War, Captain Willard is sent on a dangerous mission into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe.

When broken down it is a ridiculously long 202mins (Redux), that is just ridiculous that nobody can sit in a cinema for more than 3 hours, many AVERAGE movie goers simply don't have the patience to sit through a movie that long! It's just one character going after another character, try writing a script that's for a 120+ men from soldiers to pilots.

Oh so now you're trashing Saving Private Ryan, look up the data, Saving Private Ryan got higher IMDB ratings, killed Black Hawk Down on RT and received a Best Picture nomination and won Best Director. Saving Private Ryan absolutely KILLED Black Hawk Down.

Then you stupidly bring up another FICTITIOUS film like Saving Private Ryan which was SET in WWII about a Unit sent out on mission to bring home one kid because of all his brothers are KIA.

BHD was a filmed based on a real life event and Ridley did such a good job that there are only a few "goofs" or has delved into "artistic licence". Don't even try compare SPR to BHD because one being a FICTITIOUS and therefore Spielberg got to show whatever he wanted, just look at this page with all the mistakes and goofs:

Big f.cking deal if SPR got more Oscar nominations, getting an Oscar isn't the be all of a being classic movie of all time, BHD which was bound to telling the story to honour the military personnel as close as they could and are limited in artistic licence Look in the link above and in SPR you've got Factual errors, Anachronisms, Character error, Continuity, Crew or equipment visible, Plot holes, Revealing mistakes. Well Done Mr Spielberg 

As said in the commentary by the Colonels during the Operation said that if it wasn't for strafing runs from the Little Bird attack helos with their miniguns and rockets all night long the Rangers/Delta would have been overrun during the night. So yeah I think showing the attack helos on a gun strafing run wasn't just there for a "Explosions", they saved the soldiers lives.

Boy you are desperate aren't you and you still aren't getting it. American Sniper had a story, it explored the emotions and psychological struggles that Chris Kyle was going through. BHD never did that, 80% of it was just an action sequence. I never said that a war movie shouldn't have shooting in it so stop twisting my words., I said it should be more than just shooting. ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THIS NOW?

Nope nobody is understanding you right now, American Sniper is the based on an autobiography/LIFE story about the most lethal sniper in US Armed Forces history. That's right 1 MAN not 120+ MEN!

The movie is more about the men who were sent to rescue him, it was about their conflict with whether it was the right thing to do to risk the lives of many men to save the life of one.

Now you're getting it, there were Rangers that were second guessing themselves about getting into the back of a Humvee driving back into that hostile heavily armed city and that they may end up losing their own lives. Ranger's motto is Rangers Lead The Way and also leave no man behind.

So once you learn that the movie was made as an homage to the people that fought that day and it was a SURVIVAL story depending on the man next to you to cover your back the better. This obviously went right over your head and all you can see is fire fights and explosions that weren't embellished or made up the better. BHD is a film based on Operation Gothic Serpent.

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost

reply me how old are that gets you offended by online swear words, get your big boy pants on today!

I don't get offended at all, I'm just advising you that you are coming across as an immature child.

Apocalypse Now is a FICTION movie script that happens to be set during the Vietnam War. It was: During the Vietnam War, Captain Willard is sent on a dangerous mission into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe.

When broken down it is a ridiculously long 202mins (Redux), that is just ridiculous that nobody can sit in a cinema for more than 3 hours, many AVERAGE movie goers simply don't have the patience to sit through a movie that long! It's just one character going after another character, try writing a script that's for a 120+ men from soldiers to pilots.

OMG how are you not getting this? BHD didn't develop ANYONE!!! All of the men in the movie were basically reduced to extras. Stop saying that BHD had to develop 120 people because they didn't even make an attempt to characterize a single person. Apocalypse Now is a deep, psychological insight into how the human mind. It makes the viewer think, it has a message, it has strong characters and a strong story. yeah it has explosions but the explosions aren't the main focus, they were the main focus of BHD, what about this aren't you getting? A film being fictitious has nothing to do with the quality of the film. The Benghazi movie was also based on a real event also and it doesn't have particularly strong reviews. Oh and sorry that your tiny brain isn't able to handle a film over 2 hours.

Then you stupidly bring up another FICTITIOUS film like Saving Private Ryan which was SET in WWII about a Unit sent out on mission to bring home one kid because of all his brothers are KIA.

How is that stupid? Just because the movie is based on a fictitious incident doesn't make it any less meaningful (despite the Battle of Normandy being an actual incident). By your logic all a movie has to do is take a real incident, stretch it out over 2 hours and it's automatically better than anything fictitious.

BHD was a filmed based on a real life event and Ridley did such a good job that there are only a few "goofs" or has delved into "artistic licence". Don't even try compare SPR to BHD because one being a FICTITIOUS and therefore Spielberg got to show whatever he wanted, just look at this page with all the mistakes and goofs:

It's very easy to compare them, one of them was an inspiring story about the bond between the soldiers and the responsibilities they took upon each other and the moral dilemma that they faced, the other is simple a standard action flick. One of them is considered to be one of the greatest films ever made, the other (BHD) is trash.

Big f.cking deal if SPR got more Oscar nominations, getting an Oscar isn't the be all of a being classic movie of all time, BHD which was bound to telling the story to honour the military personnel as close as they could and are limited in artistic licence Look in the link above and in SPR you've got Factual errors, Anachronisms, Character error, Continuity, Crew or equipment visible, Plot holes, Revealing mistakes. Well Done Mr Spielberg

OMG are you serious??? Why are you doing this to yourself do you love being embarrassed? Are you saying that every single critic and the academy are wrong because SPR had a very "crew or equipment visible"? That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Obviously you aren't smart enough to understand the point of Saving Private Ryan even though I have practically spoon fed it to you. Face it, pretty much every single well respected critic agrees with me, SPR is better than BHD. Spielberg actually had to put thought into his film, SPR actually had meaning to it, all Ridley Scott did was make explosions and gunshots, it was a completely shallow, boring mess of a film and it failed miserably. No story, no characters, all action.

Nope nobody is understanding you right now, American Sniper is the based on an autobiography/LIFE story about the most lethal sniper in US Armed Forces history. That's right 1 MAN not 120+ MEN!

OK let's go at this front another angle, name me one character in BHD who was as well developed as Chris Kyle, or better yet Colonol Kurtz or Captain Miller or even Private Ryan himself. I'm waiting.....

Shut up about BHD having to develop 120 men, THEY DIDN'T DEVELOP ANYONE! We barely even knew anyone's name. The entire film was about explosions and military tactics. I honestly don't even have to try anymore, I am drunk right now and I am still owning you.

Now you're getting it, there were Rangers that were second guessing themselves about getting into the back of a Humvee driving back into that hostile heavily armed city and that they may end up losing their own lives. Ranger's motto is Rangers Lead The Way and also leave no man behind.

That was literally 3 seconds out of the entire film.

So once you learn that the movie was made as an homage to the people that fought that day and it was a SURVIVAL story depending on the man next to you to cover your back the better.

Oh I get it, the movie isn't particularly hard to understand, the point of the film is don't die and shoot people. That's not particularly deep or thought provoking. True Lies was more thought provoking than BHD which is simply a shallow, mindless action film.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I don't get offended at all, I'm just advising you that you are coming across as an immature child.

Well if you weren't f.cking offended then why bring it up??
If you actually worked a day in a blue collar job swearing just magically every second word is profanity. Ever heard the quote "swears like a Sailor:"?

OMG how are you not getting this? BHD didn't develop ANYONE!!! All of the men in the movie were basically reduced to extras. Stop saying that BHD had to develop 120 people because they didn't even make an attempt to characterize a single person. Apocalypse Now is a deep, psychological insight into how the human mind. It makes the viewer think, it has a message, it has strong characters and a strong story. yeah it has explosions but the explosions aren't the main focus, they were the main focus of BHD, what about this aren't you getting? A film being fictitious has nothing to do with the quality of the film. The Benghazi movie was also based on a real event also and it doesn't have particularly strong reviews. Oh and sorry that your tiny brain isn't able to handle a film over 2 hours.

The only thing thing that Ridley Scott would do to appease your whining ass if you were to turn BHD into a 8 part mini-series like Band of Brothers whereby we watch the Rangers start off in boot camp and progress through to deployment. Watch Jarhead for a soldier's mindset in war and not just "bullets and explosions".

The thing about writing a FICTITIOUS script set in an real life event like what happened in Apocalypse Now and Saving Private Ryan means the Screen writers/editors can make up whatever they want and change everything because it never happened and both those movies had less than 10 characters main characters. American Sniper is based on ONE guy and Lone Survivor was based on one guy too with his 3 man fireteam. Easy to write for and plenty of time to film and create a back story for.

You can't in about 2 and half movie is based on Operation Gothic and the BATTLE not their background, family and hobbies. Battles like this which for the 100th time was the largest URBAN battle of US troops since the Vietnam War then OF F.CKING course it's going to be full of "bullets and explosions" so just accept that is what happened in real life and Ridley wasn't embellishing the violence of the fight.

If Ridley decided to just to focus one soldier's POV or even one Chalk then there would outcry from all the Veterans as to why are we focusing only on this Chalk? (ironically some 160th pilots and Rangers who was there and fought there helped fly in the helos and let the real Rangers fast rope in the movie in Morocco).

Under the command of the US JOC, Task Force Ranger was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command and they ALL deserve recognition even if you don't know the story of one of the 120+ men fighting and that they left out some Navy SEALs in the Ground Convoy.

I don't see ANY Veterans of that fought that day come out after the movie crying "why wasn't I given screentime"?! SURVIVAL FILM but if all you see is "bullets and explosions" then you're pretty dense and can't see many of the undertones of what they went through in real life NOT FICTION.


Just give up. He is going on and on about the same thing over and over again. I totally agree. It was about a nonstop battle that depicts a small regimental force going against basically an entire city and the actions they did to survive. I bet he's never seen combat or talked to anyone that has to find out that they don't have time to have Soap Opera type conversations while they are under heavy enemy fire. He's a classic IMDb troll. You can't feed them.


Oh so you have seen combat ImperialTemplar??? Tell me what have you done with your life that makes you so special other than talking on an IMDB message board?

The fact that you have to question my patriotism (which I find incredibly offensive by the way) merely because I don't like this film just shows how badly you are getting owned.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


If you actually worked a day in a blue collar job swearing just magically every second word is profanity. Ever heard the quote "swears like a Sailor:"?

Just giving you some advice if you want me to actually take you seriously, right now I am convinced you are nothing more than a giant troll job. I do work every day and the people I come across are not as immature as you are.

The only thing thing that Ridley Scott would do to appease your whining ass if you were to turn BHD into a 8 part mini-series like Band of Brothers whereby we watch the Rangers start off in boot camp and progress through to deployment. Watch Jarhead for a soldier's mindset in war and not just "bullets and explosions".

A war movie is supposed to be about more than bullets and explosions, it should also be about the internal psychological issues going through the soldiers,that is what made Platoon and SPR so great. BHD had NONE of that, it was nothing more than an action sequence and having nothing but violence is a horrible way to tell these soldiers stories. Never saw Jarhead by the way, but it sounds better than BHD.

The thing about writing a FICTITIOUS script set in an real life event like what happened in Apocalypse Now and Saving Private Ryan means the Screen writers/editors can make up whatever they want and change everything because it never happened and both those movies had less than 10 characters main characters

If anything making a FICTITIOUS script is more difficult because the writers and director have to actually use their own creativity and come up with new ideas. They have to create the characters and their personalities, viewpoints on war, etc. With a movie like BHD everything is laid out in front of them, the movie basically wrote itself. If you like BHD then fine good for you but don't act like it's automatically a more difficult movie to make than other war films simply because it's based on an actual incident.

Easy to write for and plenty of time to film and create a back story for.

You keep throwing around that BHD had to develop over 100 people, name me one person who had an ounce of character development??? Name me anyone who we got to know as well as any of the men from SPR or Apocalypse Now?

You can't in about 2 and half movie is based on Operation Gothic and the BATTLE not their background, family and hobbies. Battles like this which for the 100th time was the largest URBAN battle of US troops since the Vietnam War then OF F.CKING course it's going to be full of "bullets and explosions" so just accept that is what happened in real life and Ridley wasn't embellishing the violence of the fight.

So basically when Ridley Scott knew he had to develop 120 soldiers he decided to make 80% of the film an action sequence? That doesn't make sense, just admit that he didn't attempt to flesh out anyone. The movie was nothing but violence and that is a horrible way to tell a war story. I keep throwing Michael Bay under the bus but I gotta tell you his 13 Hour Benghazi movie is twice the movie this is. I actually felt something for the people involved, I understood what they were going through and their moral dilemma and therefore it left an emotional impact when they tragically lost their lives.

If Ridley decided to just to focus one soldier's POV or even one Chalk then there would outcry from all the Veterans as to why are we focusing only on this Chalk? (ironically some 160th pilots and Rangers who was there and fought there helped fly in the helos and let the real Rangers fast rope in the movie in Morocco).

He spent 80% of the movie on violence, he had plenty of time to focus on the soldiers and he didn't because he saw the opening battle in SPR and thought to himself, "wow that opening battle was so cool, let's make a whole movie like that". Ridley Scott should be completely ashamed of himself and what's sad is one year earlier he made one of my favorite movies.

I don't see ANY Veterans of that fought that day come out after the movie crying "why wasn't I given screentime"?! SURVIVAL FILM but if all you see is "bullets and explosions" then you're pretty dense and can't see many of the undertones of what they went through in real life NOT FICTION.

If the veterans liked it, fine I accept that, I didn't like it and this message board is intended for people to come and express their opinion like I have. What "undertones"??? I am really trying to figure out what you find in this film that is so intelligent? There was nothing intelligent about it, it was a mindless action film. It could have been a deep, psychological character study of what the soldiers were going through mentally and emotionally as the events unfolded but like I said violence was the main focus. I find it outrageous that you keep throwing around that R.S. had to "develop over 120 men", yet the person he seemed to give the most attention to was this Ewan McGregor character who apparently IS FICTITIOUS.

I'm sorry but you really need to see some more movies, there are lists of war movies that were better written, better acted, better directed and better all around that BHD. Something tells me you aren't very smart and that's why you like this film so much. You don't understand Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan has too many talking scenes so you get bored, BHD is perfect for you because there is constantly gunfire and explosions going on. To me BHD is a complete borefest, I get it that the film is mostly true, but when you have nothing but violence and don't understand any of the people involved it is IMPOSSIBLE to develop and emotional reaction when they are put in danger. You can spin this all you want but the main focus of BHD was the violence and the violence should never be the focus of a war movie. Violence being the main focus only works if it's a cheesy action film like Rambo 3 or Commando, something you aren't supposed to take seriously, but you are intended to to BHD seriously.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


You don't have a point. Every post you have is repetitive and ignorant.


Wanting a movie to have a story is ignorant?

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


It does have a story. It has characters. It goes through what they left behind and their background- wives, friends, guy drawing a coloring book for his kids, & guy good a typing. It tells what is going through their head- 2 snipers willingly going to their death to defend a single helicopter pilot against hundreds of people, the general being distract over the situation, McKnight being pissed off about horrible directions, people being cowards, people being heroic...etc. simply put, you're wrong, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Your comparisons are just horrible. First you compare it to transformers- incredibly stupid comparison. Now compare it to the titanic which is a completely fictional story based on an event. The main focus of that movie was the love triangle (3 people) not the sinking of the ship.

Then you use apocalypse now as a comparison saying it focused on the internal struggle of 1 man- 1 man. BHD is about over 100. Do you understand math? If you did, you'd see there is no way they can go in depth on every person involved.

Platoon comparison- about a couple of people. BHD- over a hundred.

Basically, you don't like the film because you want the movie to focus on 1 or 2 people. Black Hawk Down had more than your attention span can handle so you call it crap. Also, the other films have the benefit of being fictional stories rather than an account of a division of soldiers. You clearly prefer fiction so, by all means, go enjoy some fiction and quit pushing your ridiculous opinion on people here and calling them brats because they have valid counter arguments.


WHAT??? The movie never explored the characters, what was going through their heads or what they left behind. We saw one guy (and after multiple viewings I still don't know his name), try to call his wife before the attack and that's it. There absolutely wasn't a story at all, 80% of the movie is an action sequence, that is incredibly poor pacing and writing. My comparisons aren't horrible at all, Apocalypse Now also fleshed out Kilgore, the photojournalist and the guys on the boat but having said that, AN did far more with the central two characters than BHD did with 100. Apocalypse Now and Platoon were able the psychological struggles that the soldiers went through, Black Hawk Down was about shooting guns, period. Not a single soldiers was developed.

Basically, you don't like the film because you want the movie to focus on 1 or 2 people. Black Hawk Down had more than your attention span can handle so you call it crap

Except BHD focused on NO ONE! Yeah there were actors but they were basically handled like extras. You say the movie can't develop 100 people well that sounds pretty stupid when they didn't even develop a single person.

As for my comparison with Titanic, it was about a lot more than just a love triangle, it was about how society broke down when things went bad and it showed the true nature of some people, they were out for themselves and didn't mind leaving people who they considered to be inferior behind to die. Titanic very much did have a point to it, it had meaning to it, yeah the love scenes may have been kind of corny in some people's opinions but there was more to it than that. BHD was about explosions, no more.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


You don't understand math very well do you?

If you and I were in a room talking, you'd learn a lot more about me in an hour than if there were 100 people in the room that you had to speak to in a hour. How many names do you think you'd remember? How many life stories would you remember? Would you remember who had kids and who didn't? Or is it possible that you'd remember more about a single person you spoke to for an hour? Can you understand that?

You also keep saying there was no story. That is about as disrespectful to those involved as you can get. This film is not just a story; it's an account of a real battle that took place. The battle wasn't a duel; it was a group of soldiers against a city.

About the titanic, it was about a poor kid who illegally boards a ship and seduces a stuck up woman from a rich prick. Nothing new about that story at all especially when the movie is based on an event with an "unsinkable" ship sinking. Oh, we have a story about a massive ship sinking? Let's focus on a love triangle rather than what went wrong and caused the ship to sink. Also, lets shove the sinking into the a 10 minute clip and have one of the main characters run around trying to kill someone who, for all he knew, was probably dead.

You still don't understand fiction very well. Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan, and Titanic are fictional stories based on actual events. They can do whatever they want with the story. They also focused on a small group of people which brings us back to your terrible mathematic abilities. Tell me what the name of the German was in Saving Private Ryan?


If you and I were in a room talking, you'd learn a lot more about me in an hour than if there were 100 people in the room that you had to speak to in a hour. How many names do you think you'd remember? How many life stories would you remember? Would you remember who had kids and who didn't? Or is it possible that you'd remember more about a single person you spoke to for an hour? Can you understand that?

That is an absolutely horrible analogy. If I were to produce a movie using the logic of BHD on the people I was in a room with I would have played on my phone the entire time and not talked to anyone. I never said they had to give the entire life story of every single person there, the movie certainly gave a larger role to certain actors (Josh Hartnett, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Tom Sizemore, etc.) My point is they didn't both to tell us ANYTHING about them and that is a huge problem because it makes the battle sequences totally meaningless, the objective of the film is don't die and shoot, I get it, it's not a difficult concept. Seems to me you don't have the first clue about story telling. The thing is Ridley Scott can clearly pull it off (Gladiator, Blade Runner, etc.), don't know what he was thinking with this one.

You also keep saying there was no story. That is about as disrespectful to those involved as you can get. This film is not just a story; it's an account of a real battle that took place. The battle wasn't a duel; it was a group of soldiers against a city.

Wait, you stop right there and don't put words in my mouth. I never once said anything DISRESPECTFUL ABOUT THE SOLDIERS!!! I am purely criticizing the way the film was written, you have no right to say that to me at all, that was disrespectful. Next time get your facts straight before you make such ignorant comments or find something I said that criticizes what the real soldiers did, until then STFU.

it was about a poor kid who illegally boards a ship and seduces a stuck up woman from a rich prick.

Really, I seem to remember him having a ticket, pay attention next time.

Nothing new about that story at all especially when the movie is based on an event with an "unsinkable" ship sinking.

Better than what we got with BHD, if Titanic got the BHD treatment the ship would have started sinking in the first 10 minutes, that would have been so stupid.

Let's focus on a love triangle rather than what went wrong and caused the ship to sink.

Titanic was clearly too advanced of a movie for you, it was about everything going on on that ship, it was about the fictional characters, the real characters, what happened that caused the ship to sink, how people dealt with the sinking, etc. For you to say it was about nothing but a love triangle is disrespectful to the 1500 people who died, yeah that's right 1500 REAL PEOPLE died.

Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan, and Titanic are fictional stories based on actual events.

You know I am still waiting for an intelligent reason as to how something being fiction makes it worse. If anything writing fiction is more difficult, with BHD Ridley Scott had everything laid out in front of him, he didn't have to put any thought or creativity into. With those other films the writers had to actually think and put some effort into it. Not saying BHD couldn't have been good but stop kidding yourself.

They also focused on a small group of people which brings us back to your terrible mathematic abilities.

Epic fail dude, those movies did far more with a small group of characters than BHD did with the entire unit. Those other movies had to actually develop their characters and put thought and effort into their characteristics, no one in BHD had any of that. Oh you are referring to that German soldier whose name was never revealed but is known as Steamboat Willie??? Well if you even care he was put in there to once again further the theme of doing the right thing vs. the smart thing. It shows that those two options aren't always a black and white issue, they did the right thing but it came back and bit them in the ass. It makes the film more thought provoking and makes you understand what their moral dilemma was. If you do the smart thing (execute the guy) then it makes the soldiers feel more dehumanized, but if you do the right thing (let him go) he may return to kill more American soldiers. Obviously that went way over your head, I guess BHD is the movie for you (once again I am attacking the film not the soldiers so don't you dare try to spin it that way).

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


You keep beating this "I like emotionally deep films like The Notebook, or Apocalypse Now" horse.. and now you've hurt the horse mate!

Look, why compare apples with oranges in the first place? Apocalypse Now is a cinematic classic, and is a study of the mind. It's barely a war film. It just takes place in a hostile environment during 'Nam. Platoon is more based upon Vietnamese warfare and evidently also gives us a complex character study. Great. You won't find anyone saying Platoon or AN are poor films.

Black Hawk Down is what it is. It's a play by play depiction of the actual battles that took place on that fateful day. It cannot characterise, because A) theres no time B) these are REAL stories and C) the film would not be what it is if it did.

I want to know about the contact. I wanna know about how the communication broke down and how many American lives were up against the odds. To this point, it's a phenomenal film.

if you wanted to see more of Grimes plunging coffee, and Delta shooting boars talking about their children, maybe this film isn't for you. Films are made to be different.

So back to the horse you were beating. A standard action flick? Transformers is funny and fictional. Rambo III is a SS fest. Black Hawk Down is a depiction of a real battle to honour the lives of those who fell. This is a very real film, and if you had a heart you would have felt the 'depth' to their suffering.

Your horse doesn't know why you keep hitting him!


I would have felt the "depth" if the movie was more than just flying bullets and explosions. I would have felt the depth if there was some kind of deeper meaning to the film other than people dying, I would have felt the depth if they actually told us something about these characters. During the battle sequence, these brave men were basically reduced to extras and it was a very bad way to tell their story. The movie is basically nothing more than one giant action sequence and comparing it to Rambo III is very legit.

I feel like in the late 90's - early 2000's, many directors saw what a great film Saving Private Ryan was and they were like "wow that opening 25 minutes was amazingly realistic and it got very positive reviews, let's make a whole movie like that", what they failed to recognize was that Saving Private Ryan had a story and a point to it. It was a lot more than just watching people get shot.

Black Hawk Down was a BAD movie, plain and simple.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Ok your viewpoint is absurd.... this is based on a real life event... SPR is a story based in a real war.... BHD is the account of the soldiers who forced to survive a massive cluster *beep* they were all under equipped for... read the damn history of BHD this was the story about the men who fought and died trying to protect their own... these soldiers were highly trained and when their initial mission was a total bust, they had to fight to survive just to make it back to base... seriously these guys don't need character development, the events that transpired in the film are not depictions of a generic action movie... it was a depiction of the soldiers who had to fight through a hellzone just to survive... the real guys who had to live this thanked the actors who took the time to represent them in the film knew what the film was about... if you cannot see that then I think you need to watch fictional war movies.... not BHD.

Seriously read the book or the damn reports or hell watch the *beep* documentary!


If the guys don't need character development then he should have shot it as a documentary instead of just your standard, mindless, shallow action flick, however I am guessing it wouldn't have sold as many tickets.

read the damn history of BHD this was the story about the men who fought and died trying to protect their own...

Except that Scott never took the time to establish any of these men and who they were. The entire movie is nothing but gunfire and explosions, it's pretty hard to feel emotional about that. Maybe if he wanted to tell the story of these men he should have actually told us something about them.

seriously these guys don't need character development,

If he wanted the movie to be good they did, instead these guys were reduced to extras/stuntmen. There is nothing intelligent about Black Hawk Down, there is no deeper meaning to Black Hawk Down, it's simple one big gigantic action movie and a poorly made one at that.

if you cannot see that then I think you need to watch fictional war movies.... not BHD.

LOL, if I'm not smart enough to understand something as deep as Black Hawk Down you'd think I wouldn't like Apocalpyse Now/Platoon/Full Metal Jacket either (all of which are far better films than Black Hawk Down), yet those are some of my all time favorite films. Stop kidding yourself, there is nothing special about this movie. Scott basically saw Saving Private Ryan said "hey that opening battle was awesome, let's make a whole movie like that". When the characters aren't established, when we don't know their backstory, when we don't know anything about them then it makes the action sequence completely meaningless. It would be like re-editing Titanic and just making the sinking of the ship the entire 3 hour movie, that would be horrible.

I'm not showing disrespect towards these soldiers, in real life they fought and died with honor, I'm pissed that Scott basically decided to turn their sacrifice into a generic action flick that has about as much thought put into it as Rambo III. To make a good war drama you need more than violence and that's all this movie is plain and simple.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


You don't seem to understand what historical fiction is. Every film you compare this to is a fictitious story set in a real world event. Every film you mentioned is about a group of less than 10 soldiers.

For the record, saving private Ryan wasn't the greatest. Battlefield tactics were terrible. Acting was average. Story was okay. if you're using fleshing out characters as an argument against BHD, then you'd have to say we would care more about Private Ryan if they showed him playing with his brothers when they were little, and them dying tragically during the war. Instead we are forced to feel something for Private James Ryan because we are told to feel something for him because his fictional off screen brothers died.

You also disliked We Were Soldiers. Which is, again, an account of a battle more so than the soldiers. Honestly, learn to tell the difference.


Oh so now you're trashing Saving Private Ryan, look up the data, Saving Private Ryan got higher IMDB ratings, killed Black Hawk Down on RT and received a Best Picture nomination and won Best Director. Saving Private Ryan absolutely KILLED Black Hawk Down.

Battlefield tactics were terrible. Acting was average. Story was okay

All of that is totally subjective. I personally HATE Eric Bana. Tom Sizemore I like (although him being in the movie just made me wish I was watching Saving Private Ryan), Josh Harnett don't care for and I only liked Orlando Bloom when he was playing an elf.

Then you'd have to say we would care more about Private Ryan if they showed him playing with his brothers when they were little, and them dying tragically during the war. Instead we are forced to feel something for Private James Ryan because we are told to feel something for him because his fictional off screen brothers died.

The movie is more about the men who were sent to rescue him, it was about their conflict with whether it was the right thing to do to risk the lives of many men to save the life of one. Whether you feel sorry for Private Ryan or not is up to you, the movie doesn't tell you what to think, it tells you that his brothers were killed yet it also presents the other side, those 8 men had families also and why should they risk their lives to save one person? Spielberg presented both sides and lets the audience make up their own mind.

I get now why you like Black Hawk Down so much, all the other movies are over your head and too deep for you.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Blew it out of the water? It got .4 higher of a rating than BHD and won 3 more oscars with BHD picking up 2. Coincidentally, the film you want to compare everything to only got 1 point less than Savin Private Ryan and was also nominated for oscars- Transformers. Side facts, Apocolypse Now won the same amount of oscars as BHD. Platoon only won 2 more than BHD with only .4 higher of an IMDB rating. Tell me more about how people's ratings on IMDB are applicable towards anything? By your logic, the Dark Knight Rises is better than Saving Provate Ryan because it has a higher IMDB rating. Yeah, really solid thinking there.

Tom Seizmore was great in Saving Private Ryan. Barry Pepper and Giovanni Ribici were also excellent in the film. Eric Bana, Sam Shepherd, and the supporting cast of every other soldier in the film performed their roles greatly, and the things they did were not out of character. In saving private Ryan, we have Ryan hugging his knees and crying at the end of the film as if this is his first time in a fire fight even though he is part of the 101st airborne and has been behind enemy lines for weeks- completely out of character.


It got .4 higher of a rating than BHD and won 3 more oscars with BHD picking up 2.

SPR has a 90 on RT, is in the top 50 on IMDB, won the Best Picture Golden Globe, won Best Director (many feel was robbed of Best Picture but whatever) and is considered one of the greatest war films ever. What did BHD win? Best film editing and Best Sound, oh yeah that says so much about the quality of the writing. I think those are the same Oscars that Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace won. Epic Fail dude, SPR beats BHD on all fronts.

You think Eric Bana did a great job??? Wow and now I've heard everything, he is one of my least favorite actors in the history of cinema, I have yet to see a good movie that he was in. Was horrible as the Hulk, awful in Troy and awful in BHD. I'm guessing you've never been in combat, 6 people had died to save him. He was a very well written character who had actually deep, complex character development. The audience understands what he's going through and the moral dilemma that he's faced (does he go home or does he stay which essentially makes the previous 2 guy's death meaningless???). What Spielberg did with his characters was amazing, he actually gave them traits, he actually put thought into them, that's called good writing. By the way I am not some blind Spielberg fan so don't think of portraying me that way, I think Last Crusade (also directed by Spielberg) is one of the biggest pieces of sh!t I've ever seen, and I also happen to love Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Savin Private Ryan was over my head? All the movie is known for is the beach scene which is- shooting and explosion aka Transformers.

That's sarcasm. I'm not ignorant enough to claim a story with guns and explosion is on par with Transformers because they share a common occurrence.

I get the moral of the story. I for one agreed with Ed Burns character in that the mission was stupid for risking the lives of a squad to find 1 guy which is somewhat contradictory since I feel Vin Diesels character helping the family was the right thing to do. Hanks got pissed at him because that family wouldn't get him home, so screw them right? He's got a wife and was a teacher yet he wouldn't help a little girl? If he had just helped, they would've got the family down before anyone was shot.


Hanks got pissed at him because that family wouldn't get him home, so screw them right?

Hanks was keeping his mind on the mission, not doing the right thing. Once again fits into the theme that I have had to spoon feed so yeah Saving Private Ryan does seem to be completely over your head. Having said that it's not that complex of a film so I'm guessing you aren't a fan of Platoon or Apocalypse Now either, you'd probably like Pearl Harbor.

By the way since I'm apparently disrespectful to the troops by not liking BHD are all the critics who gave the Benghazi movie mixed reviews are they disrespectful to the people who fought? Afterall that movie is based off a real event and real people died there. Since the Battle of Normandy really did happen I guess you comparing it to Transformers is disrespectful also right? Oh course not, I am mature enough to understand the difference between criticizing the soldiers and criticizing the film.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


read the damn history of BHD this was the story about the men who fought and died trying to protect their own.

Except the film didn't have a story, it was nothing more that people shooting at each other, nothing intelligent, nothing deep, nothing emotional, just mindless explosions.

Not establishing any of these soldiers or telling us anything about them is probably the most disrespectful thing Scott could have done. He turned their bravery into a mindless action film which is flat out insulting.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


For *beep*'s sake.... just read the *beep* book... the characters have little development they took the real life accounts of had happened and translated it to print and film... it was about courage... and the brotherhood these men had towards one another, as they fought a war of impossible odds just to get back to a safe zone... about how these men developed the courage to bring their fellow comrade home wether they dead or alive... hell the documentary focused on the whole event... the soldiers who fought bravely did not need development... we as the audience did not really need to know who these men were or what their backstories were... this movie is about the clossal *beep* up that transpired in MOG.

BtwIi have seen Apocalypse Now, Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket. And i love those movies because it doesn't focus mainly on a war, it has alot of character development...

Black Hawk Down is telling about the event not the tale of who these soldiers were, Scott did no disrespect to the real men the film was representing as those men were not concerned about how much backstory they were getting.

The actors during their week-long training recieved letters from the soldiers thanking them for their hard work, and to take their time to tell the their true story... if the film failed to do that, then during it's release the film would have gotten horrible reception from those that lived through that terrible nightmare... they wanted their story about the event to remain faithful, seriously go read the book....


the characters have little development they took the real life accounts of had happened and translated it to print and film...

And if they were going to completely base the movie off the book then it should have been a documentary, but once again documentaries don't really make a lot of money, gunfire and explosions do.

it was about courage... and the brotherhood these men had towards one another,

How can it be about brotherhood when they barely interact with each other? We have a couple of scenes of them acting like idiots and making fun of their superior officers and shooting wild boars but that's all the character development we get. Where is the "brotherhood"? These men spend 2 hours of the movie just shooting, they don't talk to each other, they don't express any kind of real emotion to each other, it's just shooting and explosions, so disrespectful to the memories of the men who fought and died.

the soldiers who fought bravely did not need development.

OK, let me give you a quick lesson, if a character dies and we don't know a thing about him then there's no real reason to have any sympathy, the 88 men who were killed at the end of Commando are perfect examples. However if they are properly established then that provides the emotional impact when they die, for example: all of the men who died in Saving Private Ryan or Platoon. Understand? These men were reduced to the 88 men who were gunned down by Swartzenegger at the end of Commando and it's terrible.

BtwIi have seen Apocalypse Now, Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket. And i love those movies because it doesn't focus mainly on a war, it has alot of character development...

They do focus on war, they also focus on the men. There is alot more to those films than explosions which is what makes them good. When Chef, Chief and Clean are killed in Apocalpyse it's sad because we got to know them.

Black Hawk Down is telling about the event not the tale of who these soldiers were,

Then it should have been a documentary but of course the studio would probably not have funded it, it had to be a Hollywood action film.

The actors during their week-long training recieved letters from the soldiers thanking them for their hard work, and to take their time to tell the their true story..

They fired guns, that's not telling a story. Special Effects do not equal Story.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Just read the damn book....


And for your information there is a documentary which also focuses on the *beep* event and not the *beep* soldiers.... go watch that and then you can tell me that scott disrespected the men who died that day... by making the film into a pure action flick with nothing but bullets and mother *beep* explosions and your piddly ass issue of no *beep* character development!


Dude you need to calm down and can it with the language. Please tell me, where in the movie did they tell us anything about the soldiers? I mean we know that Grimes (who is made up) doesn't like getting people coffee, we know that Blackburn is young and well that's about it. Why should the audience are about these men? What makes them different from the people that Arnie gunned down in Commando, or that Rambo gunned down in any of his films?

Just accept the fact that this is a bad movie plain and simple. I don't need to read the book, I'm not talking about the book, the book could have been a complete masterpiece for all I know and I honestly don't care. The movie was very poorly made, instead of relying on a strong story and well defined characters they decided to just focus on action and explosions which is incredibly shallow. If you are trying to say that the book was the same way then I guess I would have the same exact issues with the book. That's beside the point though, Scott could have chosen to dive more deeply into the soldiers and their psychology, backstories, etc. but instead he chose to focus on explosions.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


The film is adapted from the damn book... there is no character development in the book, the soldiers didn't need any development... because the story was not about them it was about the incident... there were many questions when news broke out as why this happened... hell when the news outlets showed the somali's extracting the dead pilots and mulitaling their bodies and dragging their corpses around... it sparked a massive outrage, so much so it brought even more questions as why in the hell were we even there to begin with, this whole mission was actually a covert mission that went badly, the book, documentary, and the film focused on what transpired those 2 days what those men had to endure to survive and the courage they all had, just to bring their faen comrades from that horrible *beep* again there is no character development because it was not about who these men were it was about then devotion to not leave any of their comrades behind...

So please stop saying scott disrespected these men by taking out the development of the characters when they did need to be explored in the 1st place...
Scott did not make this as a mindless action flick, he made this because alot of people needed to know what actually happened those 2 days...

And your comment about the actors getting training with guns is highly disrespectful, they didn't learn just how to shoot guns, they learned about movement, tactics, and had personal 1 on 1 with some of the survivors just so that they could understand just how terrible that event was for them...


And Ridley Scott could have chosen to tell more about the men. If the movie is about the "incident" (ie. stuff blowing up) then they shouldn't have tried to pass it off as a war drama, it should have been marketed as an action film or it should have been made into a documentary. Understand???

If the movie is supposed to be paying tribute to the men who died (and don't tell me it's not because it recognizes them at the end) then how in the hell is developing the characters not important? If the goal is to recognize the bravery of these soldiers but then don't tell us anything about them then it pretty much failed. Scott did make a mindless action film, he chose not to focus on the men but instead focus on guns and explosions.

What comment about actors getting training with guns? I don't remember saying anything about that nor do I know what you're talking about? I said nothing disrespectful, I have stated numerous times I have nothing but the deepest respect for our military and the sacrifice these soldiers made, in fact I have shown FAR more respect for them than you have because I would have preferred BHD to be more character focused rather than explosion focused, so if anyone is showing disrespect to these men it's you my friend.

it was about then devotion to not leave any of their comrades behind...

And Scott did a horrible job of getting the audience to sympathize with these comrades because he told us nothing about them!

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I'm also still waiting to hear how wanting to know more about these men makes me disrespectful? You really have a lot of nerve for going there.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I also have a feeling that you aren't smart enough to understand anything deeper than BHD, your behavior on this board and your constant use of profanity backs me up.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Tell me this, the names that they listed at the end, do you know a single thing about any of those people from the film?

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I noticed that you completely ignored almost every point that I made. That just proves that you don't have an intelligent comeback. All you did was start yelling a bunch of profanity like an immature 5 year old.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Ok it's pointless to talk to you, your refusing to see that whole event was the focus of the film and the book, and the documentary, as for the men who died.



























as for my vulgarity, I apologize for that but I am not keen on arguing with someone who refuses to listen that something is classified as a war drama because of the story... just because it doesn't have any character development... at the time this event was going the american public had no clue about it until the 2nd black hawk went down and the somali's extracted and stripped our dead soldiers and mutilated their bodies on live television that we knew about the event.


The point of that list is that we were never to know who these men were just their names... in war sometimes the people we lose aren't always remembered for who they were, they are remembered for what they did... Black Hawk Down highlighted that by giving viewers what these men died for and what were their names. Having known their names is a big thing... this issue of yours of not getting any character backstory is absolutely pedantic and pointless... if your so interested in the characters go look them up... doubt you will find much about who they were.


The movie didn't care to give us any character development because as you said it's not about the characters, it's about explosions. Look dude when you go in to see a movie it's not a particularly unreasonable request that the movie actually has characters and a story.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Wow, great rebuttal to his post about the movie being more about the even than the men.

Since you're so intelligent and ignored that point, let's take another world renown battle as an example. Tell me another Spartan at Thermopylae other than Leonidas without using Google? Were there more people (allies) other than the 300 Spartans, and if so who were they? What was Xerxes military commanders name? What happened to Xerxes after the battle?

Tell me a name of a real person that fought on Omaha beach. How about the famous sniper during Vietnam?

Did you get upset because American sniper had bullets and explosions between telling about the character?


Tell me another Spartan at Thermopylae other than Leonidas without using Google? Were there more people (allies) other than the 300 Spartans, and if so who were they? What was Xerxes military commanders name? What happened to Xerxes after the battle?

I never saw whatever movie you are referring to.

Tell me a name of a real person that fought on Omaha beach.

I never criticized the real events of Black Hawk Down, I criticized the movie, you are comparing apples and oranges. There were plenty of characters in Saving Private Ryan that we got a proper backstory on so try watching it again. Anyways I'll give you a brief rundown:

- Miller: A man who maintains his professionalism, he follows orders and doesn't gripe downwards. He is conflicted though between doing the decent thing and doing what he needs to to win the war. Example: He wouldn't take the French girl because he's there to following "fcking orders" yet he lets Steamboat Willie go because every man he kills he feels further from home

- Caparzo - Deep down he wanted to do the right thing for that little French Girl and take her to the next down even though he was disobeying orders, His death shows why Miller is so rigid in following orders because if you don't follow orders then people die.

- Rieben: He's got a bad attitude about this mission, he feels that Ryan doesn't deserve to go home because he didn't do anything special. All the other men have fought just as hard and they don't get to go. Then when Miller let's Steamboat Willie go he's kind of like "fck it, I'm done", but he eventually comes around and realizes that he has a chance to do something decent

- Upham - Very inexperienced, only around because he's a translator. Doesn't feel that killing is right thus the reason why he fought so hard to let Steamboat Willie go but he too has a character arc, he realizes at the end that his actions indirectly lead to the death of Miller (Steamboat Willie shot him), and while he is a decent, compassionate person he has limits and that's why he executes Steamboat Willie

That is a very brief rundown on some of the men in the platoon but I hope you understand what I am trying to educate you on, when you know more about the people and what they are thinking and where they are coming from it makes the explosions and action sequences mean something.

Did you get upset because American sniper had bullets and explosions between telling about the character?

Boy you are desperate aren't you and you still aren't getting it. American Sniper had a story, it explored the emotions and psychological struggles that Chris Kyle was going through. BHD never did that, 80% of it was just an action sequence. I never said that a war movie shouldn't have shooting in it so stop twisting my words., I said it should be more than just shooting. ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THIS NOW?

I actually think Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors, I loved Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator and even Matchstick Men, I enjoyed The Martian until the very end but Black Hawk Down was just shallow and action driven.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


They died defending each other. Shugart and Gordon died defending the crew of the second downed blackhawk. If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about the character of the men they were portraying, then you're a joker.


The actors during their week-long training recieved letters from the soldiers thanking them for their hard work, and to take their time to tell the their true story..

(My comment)

They fired guns, that's not telling a story. Special Effects do not equal Story.

(Your comment)

That's what you said... which is extremely disrespectful.


It's not disrespectful at all, I'm very offended that Scott decided to just turn the sacrifice of these brave men into a cheap action flick. There is no story at all, to have a story you need characters and you've admitted that the movie just skipped over the characters.

If the film really was just supposed to be an analysis on the incident then it should never have been a Hollywood movie, it should have been a documentary but I will bring you back to my original point: Documentaries don't make as much money. If you want to make a movie about the Somalia incident then great, more power to you, but if you are going to show nothing but explosions and gunfire then it's really hard for the audience to develop any kind of emotional attachment to anyone who is tragically losing their lives.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I've seen the movie several times and I don't seem to remember them mentioning any of these people.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I read all of these comments. Static, Friend, This Hippo dude is a certified idiot. Its not worth it. *beep* that, you wont win this discusion even though You're right, lets end this


So I very politely list the reasons why I don't like this movie and your epic retort is "I'm a certified idiot". Thank you for that very thought provoking argument. All I said was that it would be nice if we actually knew something about these people who we are supposed to care about. And don't give me this "oh you got to read the book" argument, I shouldn't have to read the book, plus from what I understand the book is pretty much the same thing as the movie, all action, no story, no complex character development.

I am still waiting to hear why I am such "an idiot" for wanting a movie to be about characters and their story and not just mindless explosions? This movie is really the same to me as any typical Michael Bay film, the action is the focus, not the people and it just comes off as really boring.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


It doesn't really matter what you 'want'. Its about a true story. Take it in, take something away from it or don't bother watching it. Lets say you watched Lincoln, and going into it you knew absolutely nothing about Abe. When you watch that movie can you fully figure out that 'character' just based on the portrayal in the movie? No you can't and if you say you can you are lying to yourself. No what this kind of movie should do is awaken a thirst for you to read outside the lines, literally to read other sources to learn more. Because it is too complex a story to waste time developing characters. Yes a waste of time. You don't need to know about Eversmanns childhood or the intricacies of why he joined the Army. Its simply unnecessary. And to boot it draws away from the story

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?



In response to your comments:

I've seen the movie several times and I don't seem to remember them mentioning any of these people

This is your response to staticxac212's listing of those who died in the battle. If you don't remember any of these people being mentioned after several viewings, you weren't paying attention.



When Super 62's pilot, Mike Goffena, lets command know that he has two Deltas volunteering to go in and set up a perimeter around the Durant crash site, he says their names. They also refer to each other by name while defending the crash site. Shughart is the one making the phone call before the mission, Gordon says, "Randy it's your turn" regarding the chess game.


Eversmann calls him Smith in the hangar, his first name is mentioned multiple times after he is shot.


Capt Steele calls him by his last name when he catches Pilla doing an impression of him. His last name is mentioned 3 times when he is shot in the Humvee, his full name is also spoken by McKnight.


He's called by his last name in the hangar, Capt Steele calls him by either his first or last name two or three times.


He introduces himself to the soldiers on his Black Hawk, he's also referred to by name multiple times.

Tell me this, the names that they listed at the end, do you know a single thing about any of those people from the film?

You asked this of someone else, but I'll answer. I know they fought bravely and died. That's all I need to know to care about them.


I came on here to see if anyone felt the same about BHD as I did... and lo and behold, there was your post! I cannot believe how much you're getting piled on, and some of the weak arguments that are being made in response to yours. I may have appreciated BHD a bit more than you did -- it is an extraordinary technical achievement, and the acting is far superior to anything seen in a Michael Bay film -- but there is no denying that it is just a ninety minute-long action scene with very little context -- emotional, socio-political, or otherwise. I actually liked the first 30 minutes the best, when we are introduced to the members of the operation with their little quirks of personality. I wish I had gotten to know these guys better. Once the battle is underway, though, it's just one big explosion.


felstein, BHD fans are a very special group of people apparently, if you don't like the movies that they like apparently that means that you must hate the military or you hate the United States. I have never seen a bunch of thin skinned, self-righteous arrogant jerks in my life. I simply came here to express my opinion that the movie focused way too heavily on the violence rather than the drama and I got torn to pieces and even my patriotism was questioned. They don't have a defense for this film, deep down they know it's an action film so they decided to hit me below the belt. It's really pathetic.

I once asked them to name a single character in BHD who was developed as well as any of the men in SPR and no one could name a single person.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Oh heck yeah... SPR is SuPeRior in every respect!


Oh heck yeah... SPR is SuPeRior in every respect!

Absolutely and it's not just me who says that, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Metacritic and the Academy also all say that Saving Private Ryan is better. The main reason is because Saving Private Ryan told a story, Black Hawk Down did not. We all love action sequences, but when you don't know anything about any of the people involved it comes off as boring.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Once the battle is underway, though, it's just one big explosion.

Exactly, when that guy died after the medic attempted to perform surgery on him, I wanted to have an emotional response but we don't even know who that guy is. I mean I'm sorry I know he's probably based on a real person but the film reduced him to an extra (just like all of those guys Matrix blew away at the end of Commando).

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


His name was Jamie Smith and he was 21 years old who died in a foreign s#$t hole saving one of his friends.


Don't feed the troll. The guy is just here to argue as he doesn't have anything better to do.

He didn't like the movie, saw the high score and praise the film got, couldn't get why he didn't like the movie while the majority did and wanted to find a reason to console himself so he used the first thing the film critic books teach; character development.
So even though this film is not about character development -nor would it utilize it-, he decided to use it as his reason even though he doesn't know what he's talking about.

The sole fact that this guy compared this film with transformers shows that he's either a troll or doesn't even have a single idea about the core elements of films.

Edit: I've checked some of his rating and oh boy, it's even worse than i thought. Some of his scores:
The Green Mile: 1
Paths of Glory: 1
Matrix: 1
Forrest Gump: 1
The lion king: 1
Dances with Wolves: 1
Grave of the Fireflies: 1
The Great Dictator: 1
Django Unchained: 1
The Lives of Others: 1

Free Willy 2: 10
Hobbit 3: 9
Spectre: 10
Starship Troopers: 9
Hollow Man: 9
Mr. Deeds: 10
Commando: 9
Die Another Day: 9
The Human Centipede III: 10

You have just been exposed!


So even though this film is not about character development -nor would it utilize it-, he decided to use it as his reason even though he doesn't know what he's talking about.

So then the movie is not about the men who bravely fought in the battle? There was plenty of room in the film for character development but instead they chose to turn it into an action fest. Any film critic will tell you that an action movie is better when you know something about the people involved, when you know about the internal struggles they are going through, this movie tried to be an action film and it failed because of that. You are free to like it all you want, if the people who fought in the battle liked it then that is their opinion as well and I commend them for their service. I personally didn't like it and I wish you would quit getting your panties all bundled up merely because my opinion is different than yours. I was never disrespectful, I never trolled this board, all I did was explain why I didn't like it. In all honesty though the film does not have super great reviews, it has a 74 on Metacritic, not bad but not exactly blowing the roof off, also didn't win any Oscars aside from technical categories. In fact you should read some of the reviews, many people criticized the film for the exact same reason I am.

Oh and by the way you are seriously going to attack my ratings while you hide yours? That is flat out cowardly.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I personally didn't like it and I wish you would quit getting your panties all bundled up merely because my opinion is different than yours. I was never disrespectful, I never trolled this board, all I did was explain why I didn't like it.

You made your point way back in November of 2015 yet you keep coming back repeating the same sh.t and starting another thread stating the exact same opinion of "character development" of 120+ soldiers, so yes you are trolling!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Yet you continue to respond to me, sounds to me like you're an attention whore, either that or you are very insecure with yourself and can't stand the fact that not everyone likes your movie. "Character development" is essential to any movie, especially action/war films, if you don't know about the people involved in the action sequences then there is no reason to care and therefore the movie comes off as boring. Any rookie film student will tell you that. I guess by your logic Black Hawk Down is the Seinfeld of War Movies.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Grimes was based on John stebbins, who had his name changed for the movie into Grimes because stebbins, who won a silver star for his actions in Mogadishu, was convincted in 2000 of child molestation and sentenced to 30 years
