Hope someone can help

I used to work with a guy, who's probably in his mid 40's or so. He claims that he was one of the soldiers present at Mogadishu when the movie takes place. And on top of that, he claims to have been in the group who ran the Mogadishu Mile.

I want to believe him out of respect for those who did it, but just by looking at the guy, and the amount of crap he always talked about, I have a hard time believing him.

Is there anyway to verify his claims?


Yes, torture



What's this guy's name? Many if not most of the names of the Rangers involved in the battle have been documented in one or more sources.


If he has a large amount of crap that he spews, than odds are he's full of it. His name isn't "Brian Williams" is it? lol

Find the subliminal messages.


Look it up in Black Hawk Down or any number of other books. If he was there, his name WILL be in the book.


Ask him what unit he was with, and who his C.O.or superior was, or read the book and look for holes and if you verify he was lying, call him out, even smack him
