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Delta rankings and contracts

So I was in our local Military Store buying some kit and there is this new American employee who is a former 75th Ranger from 1st Battalion who we were shooting the breeze with until 3 other customers came in and he had to leave to help them but a good bloke!

He has served in Afghanistan and in the Invasion and Occupations stages in 2003 Iraq War seizing an airfield and other Operations I forgot but have tried to Google. Any way I asked him if he was ever interested in trying out for Delta and just like RodneyAnonymous he said that "Rangering" was tough enough or kept him busy. However he did say that once you complete 1st SFOD-D training and are officially an Operator you are automatically given an E-7 rank and you have to sign a MINIMUM SIX year contract.

However looking at Operation Gothic Serpent and the Delta Operator Daniel D. Busch on Super Six-One KIA defending the crash site was only a Staff
Sergeant making him a only an E-6. So have ranks of joining Delta changed or is the former Army Ranger incorrect? Same applies to to SEALs in DevGru and therefore JSOC, are they all E-7+ ratings?

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Delta are branched 18x SF. Officially in order to try for an 18CMOS you have to be an E-4 in a status ready for promotion to E-5. Final Qualification of an 18CMOS results in the automatic promotion to E-5. The only rank qualification for Delta that I am aware of is that you must be a SGTin the same promotable status to SSGT that I mentioned previously. Being that the MOS requirements for Delta are limited to combat arms you probably won't see many E-5s able to apply for Delta. Career progression puts people in windows at certain points. You most certainly do not need to be an E-7 to be in Delta though.

Most Delta come from 11x and 18x branches. In my experience I have only seen 1 enlisted soldier in 19x even try out. SF and Rangers have the best chance and its certainly 'pipelined' that way. Airborne and Leg Infantry have a chance but its slim. Armor, Cav, Artillery have a shot but its minute. There are a few other MOSs that can try like Civil Affairs. All others have to convert to combat arms first which isn't easy.

Since most applicants are going to come from the Rangers and SF the caliber of applicants as far as rank goes is normally in the SSGT window. SFCs in the Rangers dare I say it are already going to be up there in age by the time they are in a window. SFCs in SF are usually already brainwashed into the mentality that there is nothing but SF. I love that mentality by the way, its loyalty before anything. SF MOSs go with a senior/junior arrangement on A-Teams which means simply you 2 18Bs, 2 18Cs, 2 18Ds and 2 18Es. The Seniors are E-7s and the Juniors are E-5 or E-6. Most of the E-7s are already being groomed for either 18F or SF Warrant (180A). To them being an 18F or 180A is much more appealing than Delta. Delta's bread and butter is getting those E-5s and E-6s that are still impressionable. What you will find is that many Soldiers have skewed ideas about what is required. We have about 3000 Rangers, about 6000 Special Forces. The numbers that have actually tried out for Delta are very very low.

Contracts aka re-enlistments are necessary for everyone not just Delta. Usually the MOSs that are more advanced and spend more money and time on training require longer re-ups.

There is another here that would be better able to speak on the Navy side.


Disclaimer: For the wannabe INFOSEC/OPSEC punks out there, the information I am about to provide violates nothing. Everything contained herein is UNCLASS, administrative and publicly known.

SEALs applying to DevGru don't need to be Chiefs(E-7). E-7 isn't a rating its a pay grade.

Unlike with Delta, DevGru applicants have to be 'invited'. And yes its highly intra-political and maybe even slightly unfair. In order to get an invite, a SEAL has to have a personal sponsor from within. That personal sponsor has to have worked directly with that particular SO. In addition to the sponsor, any SO in DevGru already that is in a leadership position and has worked with the Selectee, must VET the Selectee as GO/NO GO. This is the same way the Instructors will GO/NO GO Selectees once they have become Trainees.

SO is the SEAL 'rating', aka Special Warfare Operator. SO's in the now that do get invites usually have at least 2 platoon tours and are at least qualified Platoon LPO(Leading Petty Officer) or have actually been LPOs. SEAL skill sets are usually not mature until they qualify for LPO. Platoons alway have an LPO and an ALPO(assistant leading petty officer). In order to fill an LPO/ALPO Billet in Platoons, the SEAL must be an SO1(E-6). Several SEALs in the platoon outside the LPO/ALPO billets may be 'qualified' as LPO including SO2s(E-5).

Like my Army friend mentioned, there are these things called 'windows'. To support unit stability and readiness, billets cannot merely be vacated at any time because someone wants to try out for a supersecretuberseal job. Any Platoon that is in a state of 'deployability' will usually not allow its members to depart for any reason other than unforeseen medical, criminal or otherwise unplanned circumstances arise. ULT aka Unit Level Training, followed by the next stage of the deployment cycle which is several variations of Alert/On-Call and being actually deployed, will usually prohibit trying out for anything. Windows for SEAL usually come during PRODEV or professional development. Eligibility during these windows along with the prerequisites, usually only happens for SO1s(E-6). And yes the vast Majority of Devgru wear Khakis'(which is E-7 and up). That doesn't mean they came in E-7s. Over half of Devgru are 2nd tour returnees, meaning they went back to the Platoons or to a Team/Squadron element and have come back. Unlike the Army, NSW is free and open. Once an SO has completed a Devgru tour, he isn't guaranteed to stay in Devgru. There is always this thing called "the needs of the Navy".

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
