MovieChat Forums > Black Hawk Down (2002) Discussion > Question regarding the downed black hawk

Question regarding the downed black hawk

I understand the concept of leaving no man behind, but still, wouldn't leaving the downed black hawk prevent more casualties as it so happened?


If you understand the concept why are you asking the question? The concept is engrained in morale. When going into combat you can get a boost by knowing someone will come get you if you're in trouble. The concept of brotherhood is a mutual concept. I have your back, you have my back. Once you break the faith its over.

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


Not only does it increase morale and confidence going into battle but knowing dead or alive the Branch in which you're serving will move Heaven and Earth to recover you it also gives the military families a body to bury or cremate. Rather than a knock on the door saying "Sorry but your husband was killed in a Black Hawk crash and it was too dangerous to recover his body so we blew it and him up with a couple of Thermite grenades"!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Late to this thread but, is the no man left behind doctrine exclusive to Rangers in the United States military?


I can't speak with 100% certainty but the US military will use all it's military power air, land and sea to retrieve a military member dead or alive no matter their Unit, Rank or Branch.

Just like Jessica Lynch from rescued by Delta when her 507th Maintenance Company convoy was ambushed in 2003 Iraq and even recently the only Western soldier MIA in Afghanistan Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was exchanged through Delta again was released on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members who were being held at the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay.

It makes for good Press, looks good for the POTUS and Generals and subsequence Recruitment drives, general morale going out on dangerous missions and finally family members of servicemen and women.

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost
