MovieChat Forums > Black Hawk Down (2002) Discussion > It's about the men next to you... I'm be...

It's about the men next to you... I'm better on my own

Can someone please explain this to me? Eric Bana's character was kinda hard to understand. And what's with the cutting queue in the beginning of the movie. Does he have some kind of superiority complex?

And then at the end he's telling Josh Hartnett about why he does it and keeps on fighting and yet when Josh wants to go with him he's all "nah, I'm better on my own". Lol.


It's why you fight;

But Bana was more adept in the field.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


The cutting in line is Bana is a Delta, the rest of those grunts are just Rangers so they best be steppin. It's a whole other level of elite, hence the facial hair, shades and whatnot.

The Anne Sellors fan club:


Technically Hoot made the feast, why should he wait in line?

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


Exactly they should be glad he bothered to share it with them at all.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


Hoot wanted to go back, Eversman said he would go but it's only because Hoot is going, otherwise he wouldn't.

If something happened to Eversman, Hoot might blame himself. That's why he said to him better stay, I'm okay on my own.


Some of it is taken out of context. The character Bana plays is a composite of 2-3 real Delta operators in real life. Earlier they show him dressed like a civilian to track Mr. Atto and identifies his convoy for the others to capture. When he says he's better on his own, it's based on the real life John Macejunas, who had a false identity as a news photographer and had contacts in the city. After getting everyone back, Mace changed into his civilian clothes to go out into the city and see if he could find the missing crew, pilots and Shugart and Gordon from the second crash site. That's from the book. So the movie didn't have time to do that plot line completely and instead just had Hoot going out on his own at end. I think the audio commentary of the actual people that were there also bring that up and imply that Bana was sort f portraying Macejunas in that scene.
