
In the movie the main chacter (can't remember his name) says "That white girl came on to me" and it's all fine now if a white actor said "that black girl came on to me" there would be claims of racism. This is the type of thing thats making me really not like black people, it's got nothing to do with there skin color but how there such racists but use that as like a super deffence to make themselves able to do whatever they want.

"evrey day since i spend my time chassing Amy so to speak"- silent Bob


Just because one black person says this or that why do you have to hate the whole darn race. Even in real life, if a black person said something similar in a situation it wouldn't even work. It sounds to me that you are being kind of racist for even making such a topic on this message board. Remember this is only a movie, Martin Lawrence would never say such a thing in real life and if he did he was just pissed off at that moment in time.





I don't assume that in my experience most black people over 35 don't how ever starting in teenhood through there twenties. Is this all blacks no but most i've met in this age range do takl like that and it bothers me. Mostly becuse if we say it were racist but by saying we can't say it becasue the color of our skin is racist in essence.

"evrey day since i spend my time chassing Amy so to speak"- silent Bob





You're the one who is racist! You hate all Black peope just beause one Black man said that in a movie!!




The "play it like a white man never has" thing Martin Lawrence says to the musicians in the dance scene is not really racist, it's just Lawrence being unimaginative and having to swerve around cliches and stereotypes to get anywhere he thinks is funny. On the other hand it is arguable if the inclusion of the black chambermaid only so as to have her be Lawrence's romantic pair is mildly racist, like they'rew saying we can't handle inter racial relationships or, worse, that they're wrong. The forced inclusion of the black girl always smelled kinda funny to me.

I'm a Stone Age Romeo got my Space Age Juliet we'll take Guitars to Mars and hit the discotheque


Not only was this a tired concept that has been done to death (often with far superior results) but it makes you wonder how Lawrence ever managed to become a lead in anything.

Martin Lawrence is painfully unfunny. I've just seen this film on TV and it was even worse than I expected. Lawrence milked every cliche and stereotype for what it was worth and consistently failed to raise a laugh. However, if the original poster wants to use a Martin Lawrence movie as an excuse to be racist he should stop making EXCUSES and just get on with being the RACIST he must already be.


OP, the racism comes from the predominantly WHITE studio bosses that produce these minstrel shows. But, now, you wouldn't want to turn your hatred towards whites, would ya? Cut the bigotry - across the board.


Im sorry if Martin Lawrence was racist then that means the bad guy was racist too because he kept calling him a MOOR.



I hope this thread is some joke. Is this a meme on imdb or something because I see these kind of threads a lot lately. "Black people can do this or that, blah, blah, blah,...but white people can't.

There are probably things black people can get away with whereas whites cannot, but the vice versa is also true. This particular example the topic creator has chosen is retarded though. Seems like white people nowadays just take everything black people do or say, no matter how trivial it is, and try to spin it into some kind of reverse racism angle.
