This Film is Awful

ok, ova here in england its 1am and ive just finished watchin black knight on tv and i hav 2 say that it was the most pointless, stupid, unfunny and boring waste of my time...

i only stoped up 2 watch it cuz it looked like it cud hav been funny... and the ending was beyond awful, the "i woke up and it was all a dream" idea was pathetic, how do script writters get away with that kind of ending wen teachers told us off for that kind of ending to a story wen we were between the ages of 5-8!

im no movie purist were everything has 2 b oscar worthy, i love mindless action and mindless comedy, but this just sucked!!!


I liked it all except for the sucky ending. Otherwise I thought it was quite funny and not too bad.

"Take the biggest guy in the world, smash his knee and he'll drop like a stone" - Road House


I thought it was highly amusing, although the dream bit at the end almost made me think it would have a *beep* ending but then when he fell in the moat again and was in gladiator times.. hilarious!



Yeah, but in this movie it is funny because of the way it tries to be funny. Some movies try to be funny and are funny because they have succeeded in doing this (eg. Dumb and Dumber), some movies, like this and also Master Of Disguise, try to be funny but are so ridiculous that they are funny due to this and some things (like 'Friends') try to be funny and are simply utter *beep* Quite a few movies fall into the latter catergory.


&*@# you, this film was totally sweet.


No it wasn't. It was rubbish.


cdcolenda is a legend! This film WAS totally sweet! (Except for the ending)

"Take the biggest guy in the world, smash his knee and he'll drop like a stone" - Road House
