MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > What is the most powerful moment in the ...

What is the most powerful moment in the two films?

I say HANDS DOWN it's Bea's rise from the grave. Loooooooove it! 

"Super Bowl XLVIII will be most evenly-matched Super Bowl in 32 years"- AH_Fan


William's death.


Either Beatrix's reunion with BB or her last discussion with Bill. Say what one will about Tarantino, when he wants to, he can be a very emotional writer.


i love his talent also at writing something emotional while also being vague and not too wordy at the same time. so interesting.


Beyond a doubt, the end sequence of Kill Bill 2 starting with the exploding heart punch. The music is soul stirring, David Carradine is transcendantly masterful, and Uma Thurman's reaction is superb.

For most touching, powerful, underplayed, superb acting job overall I nominate Sonny Chiba. Who knew that he had that incredible perfection inside him ready to burst out?



I think therr were several. One that has become prominent for me is the short heart-to-heart Bill and Budd hae, when Budd tells his brother "that woman deserves her revenge. And we deserve to die. But then again, so does she".

One thing I've come to love about Tarento films, the dialogue almost always has some superb moments.


^ This

Like a monkey, ready to be shot into space.



When Uma awakes from her coma and discovers her baby gone. Her cries of anguish are heartbreaking. Brilliant bit of acting.

Was it a millionaire who said "Imagine no possessions"?


Yes. That scene made me tear up and gave me cold chills.

In heaven everything is fine.


Barely anything in Part 2 was powerful. But in Part 1, there was an intensity in virtually every confrontation. Thanks to superb non-verbal acting mostly:

-The entire encounter with Hattori Hanzo

-O'Ren's animated backstory

-The Bride's encounter with O'Ren

-The Bride's speech to Nikki

-The scene with O'Ren and Boss Tanaka

