MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > If you look in the background of the fig...

If you look in the background of the fight b/t the Bride and the Crazy

88 (right around the beginning of the fight) you can see several 88's swinging their katana's at no one in particular while the Bride is engaging other 88 members.

I know that fight scene had to be a b!tch to edit, but it still looks pretty funny.

Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven


Most people fail to realize that in a fight such as this, you have to plan how and when and where you attack. If multiple swords are engaged in a fight you can get hit by your attacker, others from your crew trying to attack her, or deflectikns from either. Thats why samurai take stance and look in the reflection of their sword, so they know whos closest and who to attack first.


In continuation, while shes engaged with her attacker you can stand back and actually plan how you will go about your attack till its your turn. But i do agree, it is funny to watch.
