
I frequently find that some movies labeled as comedies aren't really comedies. This movie is one of them. I just don't feel that Kaufman wrote the screenplay to be funny, but to be serious. Of course, like all movies, it has some funny moments, but it is by no means a comedy. I felt the same way about Being John Malkovich. Some funny parts, and written to be a little bit humorous, but not really a comedy. Finally, the one that I don't see as a comedy at all, you guessed it, Kaufman's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It may not be listed as a comedy on IMDb, but I rented it and on the DVD cover it had one of those "Funniest movie of the year! Will keep you laughing until the end!" labels on it. It wasn't a comedy at all in my opinion.

Keep in mind I'm not saying these movies are bad, in fact both Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich are in my top 15 movies of all-time, I'm just saying they are improperly labeled in my opinion.

IMDb is the almighty, superior, purple leader.


It's a film with funny bits... particularly Charlie's sex fantasies.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


Enternal sunshine was indeed incredibly not funny.


It's funny, I did laugh at least 6, 7 times while watching this film


This film is hilarious, as are large parts of Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine. Early on in this movie the Kaufman character gives a big speech about how he wants to be true to the book, and not transform it into a drug running movie, and not put in sex, or car chases, or guns, or characters learning profound life lessons, or coming to like each other, or overcoming obstacles to succeed in the end. Then the movie proceeds to do every last one of those things. Senses of humor differ a lot, but I don't see how anyone can see that as serious. Not to mention that a lot of the individual lines in all three of the movies are very funny.
