New Trailer!

Oh, hell to the YEAH.

I've no idea if these female ninjas will be standing in for Aku, but I'm welcomingly intrigued. If Jack's resorting to guns at this point. then he really has reached his breaking point. I'm stoked.



This looks amazing! I am so excited for this!

Not sure about the ninja's. They look like little Aku's, but I'm not sure why they would stand in for him. Unless Jack defeated him and it made no difference.


The beginning of the trailer, tracking in music from the original series by James L. Venable, is only a sad reminder he's not part of the new final season. I hope the music that followed it isn't an indication of what the new (yet to be named) composer is giving us.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


It's pretty dark and grim, and yes they did amp up the violence since I saw one of those female ninjas stabb the other in the eye with an arrow. More interesting is that I heard Jack doesn't have his mystic sword anymore. I heard he destroyed it in the comics and that carried on to this new season. Makes you wonder how he'll fare against Aku without his sword.


I hate to hear that Jack lost his sword.


The new trailer looks amazing. Can't wait to see it. Loved the show as a kid.


Awesome! I always loved this series and was hoping there would be a continuation or some closure to the story after the director was done with the original 2d animated Star Wars: Clone Wars series.


I don't know about this... the old show was quirky, sometimes goofy, sometimes surreal, and sometimes starkly beautiful with long stretches of artful silence.

This looks very uniformly grim.

I do not see any room for such comedic characters as the Scottsman.


^ That's what happens when you lose Cartoon Network's restrictions and regulations and move to Adult Swim. At least they didn't make it a godawful half-a-show comedy that mainly appeals to stoned fratboys.

Hate to hear that he lost his sword, but new era, new rules I suppose. I just hope this new direction doesn't ruin what made SJ good in the first place.

Also greatly intrigued (and concerned) at how they'll handle Aku with Mako gone...
