favorite episodeas?

which r ur fav episodes?

include 3-4eps


Only 3-4?

The first two with the Scotsman.

The one where Jack goes home and flashes back to his childhood.

The one with the four assassins (I love the different animation styles).

The one with the wannabe samurai.

Honorable mention for The Birth of Evil.


Jack's Journey to the Gatekeeper

Jack Vs. the Ninja

Jack Vs. Himself

Film Noir ep with the robotic private dick


liked the two scotsman episodes
the proto 300 spartan episode
the evil rave
the lion hunters episode
any episode where jack looks ridiculous (like the evil rave, alice in wonderland, or the one where he is followed by that harmless creature with the flower on its head who turns into a beast.


It's hard to pick favorite episodes but my all time favorite episode is the one with the three blind Archers.


whats that one episode a while back were when jack was on the mountain
the nlike some monster or something summond all this other warrior and monsters to fight jack on the mountain

its been a while since ive watched cartton network
and i loved that episode


All-time favorite: Jack and the Spartans. The music, story, characters in this episode is fantastic.

Other favorites:
Jack and Atlantis - Music is fantastic as are the visuals.
Jack vs. Demongo - Awesome fight scenes
Jack and the Rave - Just a really cool episode.
and of course, anything with the Scotsman.


Jack and the Scotsman
Jack vs. Aku
Jack and the Three Blind Archers
Tale of X9

I'll have spent one day out there.


Has to be the 1st one with the Scotsman.

Others... ... ...

Jack vs. the Three Blind Archers rocked.
Jack Learns To Jump Good
Jack and The Hunters


All the Scotsman episodes rock!

The episodes:
The two episodes when Jack forgot his identity
and the Scotsman found him on a ship- Those two were so great.
The one with Jack being tested by 3 monsters in order to use a time portal.
Jack vs. himself,
and the one with the black samurai wannabe.


also "jack and the creature" is nice



Favourite, for the depth of feeling, and for the nobility of the theme, is probably the one where Jack flashes back to his childhood.

For pure dynamic movement, the one in which Jack fights the undead (and ultimately AKU) in the graveyard.

But I also love "The Seasons of Death," for that unique and intriguing encounter with the Spring Goddess.


no no no ...the best one is when he goes to the techno club and all the crazy drugged up teens are walking there


The demon house episode was surely one of the best ever.

playing it Bogart.


Oh, yeah, Demon House rocked!


the birth of evil
the four seasons of death
jack and the spartens
the aku infection



This is one of my favorite series, so it'll be hard to pick my fave episodes, but let's see here...

For artistic style: Jack vs the Ninja (the black/white fight scene is truly amazing)

For humor: Jack vs. Aku (some of the funniest lines in the whole series are in this episode)

For story: Tale of X9 (a breathtaking homage to classic film noir)

For action sequences: Jack vs. the Rave (I love the combination of martial arts and dance music)

For characters: any of the Scotsman episodes (he's always going to be a fan favorite) or Jack vs. Da Samurai (yes, a lesson to posers everywhere)

And on a personal note: I'm a fan of 'Jack vs. the Zombies', no particular reason, just like it.


I agree wholeheartedly with Griffin84 but If I had to pick it would be the Tale of X9 only because I'm a sucker for film noir

"The stuff that dreams are made of."
