Seasons of Death

One thing that irks me about the final season, the last episode on the disk. Knowing the show has been canceled and off the air for years with a movie wrap-up still in the air (though I hear things are moving along steadily these days)... why oh why did they put Jack taking care of a baby as the final episode?

Personally I think Seasons of Death would have been the perfect last episode. Even if a movie did not come out, at least you could point to that and say they went out with a bang nonetheless. The episode itself carried the essentials of Jack's story - what seems to be an endless journey, conquering countless enemies, with no rest in sight - and him just walking off alone is how it ends. Come on, would it have killed them to air that episode last in the series?


yeah, know what you mean, but they probably didnt even know it would be the last ever episode

there's no point in being grownup if you cant be childish sometimes!!!


I know what you mean.

On the other hand though, I look at it as one of the things that makes SJ special and keeps me thinking about it. It's like the Incredible Hulk (tv show, before they made those awful TV movies) or The Fugitive. (although The Fugutive did actually have an ending to it, I never got to see it though)


Y'know that the Fugitive did inspire the idea of the format of Incredible Hulk TV show...




Like you said, they probably didn't know that would be the final ep. Personally, I think that ep is kinda sweet. It shows just what a good man Jack is, and how good he is with children. He could have just left that baby alone, but his vows as a Samurai would have never allowed it, and it was heartwarming how they bonded. He'd be a good dad!

Speaking of Jack, spread the word!! In case you haven't heard Jack is Back on the new adult swim Toonami! Granted, it's at 4AM late Sat/early Sun. But if you can stay up for it, or if you can't, tape it and get the word out! Jack is back!!!
