Region 2 re-release?

Don't really want to pay quite a lot for Region 1 dvds... sellers seem to be hiking up the prices a bit for UK customers on some websites (+ i'd need to get a multi-region dvd player).

Why haven't CN released this in the UK? Surely theres enough demand, and with the success of Clone Wars (own both of those on R2 DVD) I'm sure a R2 release of the series would go down very well. Its ridiculous that obscure Anime and god knows what else is on R2, when Samurai Jack is not :(

Anyone know of an online petition or something, i almost feel like starting one, or at least giving CN an angry email!


A year and a half late on the reply, but I've had the dvd's saved on a wishlist for years now waiting for a Region 2 release.
I'd love this more than anything, but am I wasting my time?


4 years later....but yes this! I literally just started a new thread on this subject xD
