The music...

I've long felt, and I think mentioned in another thread here, that one of the best yet most overlooked parts of this amazing series was its wonderful musical score. It had easily one of the most diverse scores of any TV show I've ever come across.
Cases in point:
Obviously, the catchy theme song.
The fitting bagpipes used as the Scotsman's theme (Especially in the second episode with him).
The Cajun backwoods- style music for the redneck bounty hunters (Appropriately goofy music for goofy villains) in 'Jack and the Scotsman.'
In 'Jack vs. Mad Jack', the unique musical themes for each of the bounty hunters (I distinctly recall a few points in which the music would rapidly change as each of the respective bounty hunters attacked Jack), and the same goes for the episode 'The Princess and the Bounty Hunters.'
The hip yet hypnotic dance music for 'Jack and the Rave.'
The fun rockabilly- esque song 'Wild Ride' that the robots have playing in their car in 'Jack and the Creature.'
The haunting, beautiful sirens' songs from 'The Scotsman Saves Jack.'

I think the only style of music that was never prominently featured on the series was rock/ heavy metal. Never have I seen another show combine so many different styles of music so flawlessly.
I truly loved the music of 'Samurai Jack,' they should have put out a compilation CD of all of it or something.
What do you guys think?


Always, with few exceptions, enjoyed James L. Venable's scoring. Paul Dinletir is credited with "additional" on all episodes, by the way.

In fact, I've ripped a bunch of the scores and put them up on my YouTube channel.

The alien bounty hunters episode score is one of my favorite efforts.

While ever episode tended to usually have a new theme, there were -- as I found when ripping the scores and paying attention, three reoccuring musical ideas. Two themes for Jack; one an upbeat piece, used at least two episodes; another a heroic theme, usually used in short little sputs, though in one episode it gets a prolonged heroic montage.
And one, which isn't a theme -- I wouldn't even call it a motif -- it was more of a dronning evil synth scape, for the bad guys. I recall that in at least three episodes. I didn't rip them all, so I can't give exact numbers. And I don't recall a theme for Acu, but that doesn't mean there wasn't one.

As I recall, I asked one film score releasing label about it, [url=]La La Land Records[/url] and they said they asked, but Adult Swim/Carton Network (don't recall who they named) said they weren't interested. So the problem doesn't lie with labels wanting to do it, the problem lies with whomever owns the rights. But that was about four or five years ago, maybe they'll change their mind if asked again. Don't know.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


They really should release a compilation CD! Samurai Jack fans would definitely love it. <3

By the way, what is your youtube channel? I'd love to listen to SJ music!


Just search YouTube for:

"Samurai Jack" score suite

I probably have about 30 suites up.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


Thank you!!

“To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.”


I wholeheartedly agree that the incidental music for the series is some of the best I've ever encountered for a 30 minute animated show (I'd put Jonny Quest up there as well). Just as the SJ team has shown again and again their imagination for creating completely distinctive "worlds" and cultures, so has the music followed them. Yes, we have some of the catchy themes, however, I'm amazed at how well the music fits within the cultures both ancient and modern. The composers don't play it safe and seamlessly contribute to SJ. I wish the staff had talked more about the contribution of the music during their narratives of certain episodes.

