MovieChat Forums > Smallville (2001) Discussion > If Jonathan Kent Lived How Would He Feel...

If Jonathan Kent Lived How Would He Feel About Clark Revealing Himself As Superman?

Being the overprotective parent he was my guess he would be against it.


Clark rarely reveals to anyone that he's Superman.

Lois, Chloe, Lana, Tess all find out without him telling them.


No, him deciding to adopt a dual identity and don a suit.


Part of him would be against it, but he'd accept it. He'd be scared of what would happen to his son, as any decent father would, but he's always been proud and a little in awe of his kid and I think part of him has always known Clark was meant for more than bailing hay.


Like Superman Birthright and the Lois & Clark pilot.

His reaction if Clark was forced to reveal himself like saving a plane or an alien force looking for him like Earth One.
